sandanat / vue-pdf-app

VUEjs v2 PDF viewer based on Mozilla's PDFJS

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How can I handle or get DOM object of page in PDF

ypinchina opened this issue · comments


I'd like to use it to achieve some work. How can I handle or get DOM object of page in PDF.
<vue-pdf-app style="height: 100vh;" :pdf="pdfSrc" ref='pdfDom'></vue-pdf-app> <button @click="getPdfDom">??</button> getPdfDom() { console.log(this.$refs.pdfDom.$refs) }

Hi, @ypinchina

  <div style="height: 98vh">
    <button @click="interact" type="=:button">Interact with page</button>
    <VuePdfApp @after-created="afterCreated" pdf="sample.pdf" />

import VuePdfApp from "vue-pdf-app";

export default {
  components: {
  methods: {
    async interact() {
      if (!this.pdfjs) return;

      await this.pdfjs.pdfViewer.pagesPromise;
    afterCreated(pdfjs) {
      // non-reactive
      this.pdfjs = pdfjs;

@import "";
