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Metastream Chrome Extension causing rendering issues on certain pages of Google Cloud Platform website

pranavAbe opened this issue · comments

Device Info

  • Metastream Version: Beta 0.10.3
  • Browser + Version: Chrome Version 92.0.4491.6 (Official Build) dev (64-bit)
  • OS Version: Windows 10 Home (Dev Channel) (Build 21364.1011)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Have the Metastream Chrome Extension enabled.
  2. Try and open Google Cloud Functions

Things I have tried

  1. Clearing the cache, cookies and data on Chrome
  2. Reproducing the issue on a stable build of Chrome


The rendering on the Google Cloud Functions page breaks completely with the Metastream extension turned on and works properly when the extension is turned off. I have observed that the issue is only reproducible with some pages within the Google Cloud Platform website and the Cloud Functions page is one of them. I have attached screenshots and the Chrome DevTools Console Log output for when the expected website rendering v.s. when the observed website rendering.

Expected Observed
Expected Observed
Chrome DevTools Console Log.log Chrome DevTools Console Log.log