samsends / go-tensorflow

Toying around with TensorFlow in Go

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Training TensorFlow models in Go

Python is the primary language in which TensorFlow models are typically developed and trained. TensorFlow does have bindings for other programming languages. These bindings have the low-level primitives that are required to build a more complete API, however, lack much of the higher-level API richness of the Python bindings, particularly for defining the model structure.

This file demonstrates taking a model (a TensorFlow graph) created by a Python program and running the training loop in Go.


$ docker build . -t tiny_tf

$ docker run tiny_tf

Running this image will execute a single training step and save the result to a checkpoint.

The model

The model is a trivial one, trying to learn the function: f(x) = W\*x + b, where W and b are model parameters. The training data is constructed so that the "true" value of W is 3 and that of b is 2, i.e., f(x) = 3 * x + 2.


  1. Install TensorFlow for Go and TensorFlow for Python

  2. Create the graph: python ./

  3. Execute the training loop in go: go run train.go


  • The Python APIs for TensorFlow include other conveniences for training (such as MonitoredSession and tf.train.Estimator), which make it easier to configure checkpointing, evaluation loops etc. The examples here aren't that sophisticated and are focused on basic model training only.
  • In this example, we use placeholders and feed dictionaries to feed input, but in a real example you probably want to use the API to cconstruct an input pipeline for providing training data to the model.
  • Not demonstrated here, but summaries for TensorBoard can also be produced by executing the summary operations.


Toying around with TensorFlow in Go


Language:Go 54.8%Language:Dockerfile 29.6%Language:Python 15.6%