samrocketman / gitlab-mirrors

A set of scripts adding the ability of managing remote mirrors to GitLab.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Compatible with Gitlab 8

tomcashman opened this issue · comments


I'm wondering if this is compatible with Gitlab 8?

works for me on 8.1

Keep in mind @logicminds is referring to the development branch. It's been over a year since I've made a stable release but development is pretty well tested by others and seems to work. (primarily because I haven't used GitLab in over a year, though that's going to change soon)

@samrocketman maybe its time to merge dev to master and tag a new release

Not a bad idea. I should spin up a docker container with GitLab and test it so I can personally validate it works. I've done that in the past (though I'm also okay with your testing since I'm sure you've been running off of the development branch for a while now). I've mostly been focused on other open source projects so this one hasn't seen much love.

I have been using the dev branch in production and use not only with gitlab-ce 7.13-8.1 but also and have not had any issues.

having a new tested release supporting 8.x would be nice. I am also interested in using gitlab-mirrors with gitlab 8.x


@samrocketman I have noticed many of the issues deal with #66 so I think it would be wise the merge this into master as this would eliminate most of the current issues.

I will, I'm spread really thin at the moment but I'll try to set some time aside this weekend to work on this and releasing to master.

Just released v0.5.2 which is certified with GitLab 8.1.4. master reflects the latest stable release.