samoshkin / dns-server-examples

Show common setups of various DNS servers

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DNS servers configuration examples

This is a demo project to show most common configurations of various DNS server implementations.

NOTE: This is WIP and unstable project.


DNS servers implementations:

  • BIND9
  • dnsmasq
  • unbound (TBD)
  • NSD (TBD)

Server configurations/roles:

  • caching and resolving server
  • forwarding server
  • authoritative only server (master or slave), no caching and forwarding
  • master and slave for a given zone
  • delegate a subdomain (like gTLD servers do)
  • both authoritative and forwarding server on private LAN
  • stealth server, two servers: internal behind firewall and external server for public and private queries
  • split horizon, different zone files used to serve single zone depending on client address/location (geographical)
  • single name server, which uses BIND "views" feature to serves both internal/private and external/public queries/clients

Combinations of different roles within single name server deployment are also shown.

Various tricks and features covered:

  • DNS load balancing (several A records for single name)
  • disable caching (server would always go thru query resolve process)
  • single name server, which acts as master for zone A and as slave for zone B
  • wildcard records
  • "glue" A record for delegated subdomain NS record
  • virtual subdomains (subdomains declared within single zone, without delegation to another name server)
  • reverse lookup zone files
  • using BIND "rndc" to manage name server remotely (clear cache, reload zone files, trigger zone transfer)
  • using ~/.digrc to make dig output prettier
  • using BIND named-checkconf and named-checkzone to validate conf and zone file before starting server

Install and run

Every name server deployment runs inside unique Docker container. For BIND9 server, I'm using resystit/bind9 base Docker image, which runs BIND9 server on top of Linux Alpine.

Use Docker Compose to start all available name servers. Dedicated user-defined network is created: subnet: Each name server runs inside individual container, joined to that network.

git clone <url> <path>
cd <path>
docker-compose up --build

There is a dedicated client container, which includes BIND server (rndc), bind-tools (dig) and nano. Use it to test various name server configurations:

docker-compose run client
/ # dig sun.galaxy @master
/ # dig @delegated_subzone
/ # dig -x @slave

Once you're done, just clean up everything (containers/networks/images):

docker-compose down --rmi all -v

Domain name hierarchy

I use somewhat fictitious domain name from a space realm: sun.galaxy. It's good to reason about hierarhy. For example, 3-level domains: earth.sun.galaxy, moon.sun.galaxy, mars.sun.galaxy. 4-level subdomains can be created easy as well:, even 5-level domains possible:


Show common setups of various DNS servers