samlown / couch_tap

CouchDB to RDMS synchroniser. Listens to _changes feed and automatically inserts or updates records.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Maintenance: Rubygems access

perlun opened this issue · comments

Hi @samlown, thanks for a great tool. We have been doing a bit of development in our own fork ( lately, to add feature that was missing for us like:

  • CouchDB 2.0 support
  • Support for JRuby (means changed JSON parser from yajl-ruby to the stdlib json library)
  • etc

We have currently published this as a 0.1.0.ecraft version, but it would be nice if we could publish it to Rubygems (we are also retaining our changes as open source, in the spirit of the original project).

Would you be willing to share the rights to publish this as a Rubygem with me and @afinne, or should we rather rename our fork to something else? (if you want to retain the couch_tap name for yourself)

We changed our fork to be named couchdb_to_sql. Closing this issue because of lack of feedback.