saml-dev / MMM-Traffic

This a module for the MagicMirror. It displays travel time between two locations, using the Mapbox directions API to factor in current traffic conditions.

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Wrong Calculation

emrahaslan opened this issue · comments

I confused about travel estimation compared koordinats with Google Map.
It looks different.

module: "MMM-Traffic",
position: "top_left",
config: {
accessToken: "my token",
originCoords: "29.19571408770105,40.91254600000002",
destinationCoords: "29.432513571372965,40.78107263003665",
firstLine: "{duration} dakika",
secondLine: "Tubitak Gebze Serbest Bölge",
module: "MMM-Traffic",
position: "top_left",
config: {
accessToken: "my token",
originCoords: "29.19734100000005,40.91254600000002",
destinationCoords: "29.015470999999934,41.066401999999925",
firstLine: "{duration} dakika",
secondLine: "Zorlu Center AVM"

The Result is :

But when I Enter these coordinates over Google Map It shows correct minutes (for second one)


For second location mapbox api shows 11 Minutes.
But the correct time is google one.

Is this related with API or module ? Please help me

Sorry I mixed coordinates orders. When I swap lat-long it works.

No worries, glad you got it worked out! 😄