saml-dev / MMM-Traffic

This a module for the MagicMirror. It displays travel time between two locations, using the Mapbox directions API to factor in current traffic conditions.

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showRouteInfo and routeName are not displaying

AndrewMcClelland opened this issue · comments

First off, great module! Seems to work great other than a slight quirk I have with the showRouteInfo and routeName not displaying... (may likely be an error on my part).

The "Leave by TIME" works well and is coloured green for a no-traffic commute. But the route info and route name are not displayed (only the car symbol and the "Leave by TIME" are displayed).

Here is my current code:
      module: 'MMM-Traffic',
      position: 'top_left',
      config: {
            api_key: 'WORKING API KEY',
            origin: 'WORKING ADDRESS',
            destination: 'WORKING ADDRESS',
            arrival_time: '0930',
            mode: 'driving',
            showrouteInfo: true,
            route_name: 'Home to Work',
            changeColor: true,
            showWeekend: false,
            allTime: true,
            hideOffHours: true

Any ideas??

Looks like you just need to capitalize the 'R' in showRouteInfo :D

Oh... well that's embarrassing! I guess the late night MMM configuring got to me.

Thanks for the quick response and the great module! Keep it up!

No worries, it happens to the best of us! 😃 my pleasure!