samialabed / method-name-prediction

Implementation of 'A Convolutional Attention Network for Extreme Summarization of Source Code'

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Method Name Prediction

This repository contains the Keras Implementation of A convolutional attention network for extreme summarization of source code [1]

The model takes in a sequence of subtokens composed of Java's method body and output an extreme summarisation in form of predicted method name.

Example input:

hi--; while (lo < hi) { Object t = a[lo]; a[lo++] = a[hi]; a[hi--] = t; }

Example model output: [reverse, range]


  • Successfully reproduce (and improve) results of the Convolution Attention Model.
  • The Copy Attention Model is struggling to learn useful features - the code exist and compliment notebooks to allow further investigation.



The easiest way to install the prerequisites is to use Anaconda.

# Install the environment
conda env create --file=environment.yml

# Activate the environment
source activate method-name-prediction

The dependencies contains jupyter dependency and can be started using jupyter notebook and there are examples in the notebooks directory.


The model can be generalised to any dataset.

However, the preprocessors and utility functions are written to work with specific type of data available to students enrolled in R252 - Machine learning in Programming at Cambridge University.

The expected input data format is .proto files that contains a feature graph of Java programs. The feature graph can be generated by compiling Java programs with the features extractor extension enabled from features-javac

Usage Instructions

To execute training -> evaluation -> inference and output the results to a file: DATA_DIR (--hyperparameters-config=FILE | --trained-model-dir=DIR [--use-same-input-dir]) [options]


  • DATA_DIR: The path to the input data (training/testing/validating) - the preprocessor will split the input to 65% training, 5% validating, and 30% to test and inference.
  • --hyperparameters-config=FILE: The model hyperparameters as json config file. Expected of config files are in the configs directory
  • --trained-model-dir=DIR: Path to a trained model directory to skip training and restore vocabulary.
  • --use-same-input-dir Use the same dataset used in the trained-model, intended to allow reproducible results.
  • [options] can be any of the following:
    • --help to show help screen.
    • --debug to intercept any failure and enable debugging, also output DEBUG logs to console.

The model will create a directory in the trained_models

Output directory: trained_models/<NAME OF THE MODEL>/<RUN_NAME>/<DATE AND TIME>/*

Unless the trained-model-dir is specified, then the model will restore trained model information and create a new subdirectory under the trained model dir called experiement/date-time-hour where the results of running an experiment against the trained model will be saved.

Output files:

  • hyperparameters.json Copy of the hyperparameters used in training the model.
  • inputs.txt Stats about the input including how many methods used in training/testing/validating.
  • results.txt The model f1 score, unknown accuracy, and exact copy accuracy.
  • model_accuracy.png and model_loss.png The training/validating model loss and accuracy.
  • visualised_results.txt randomly selected 10 predictions and visualised.
  • Various hdf5 and pkl files meant to aid the reproducibility of your evaluation.

Full list of output filenames in src/utils/

The model uses a full beamsearch, therefore it takes a logn time to perform inference and require a reasonable memory size. Using smaller size beam width can help the performance and/or if constrained by memory.

Reproducing Evaluation Results

Model trained on Elasticsearch corpus excluding the unit tests

To reproduce the results of the model trained on Elasticsearch corpus excluding unittests:

python src/ \
    'data/raw/r252-corpus-features/org/elasticsearch/' \
    --trained-model-dir=trained_models/cnn_attention/elasticsearch_with_no_tests/2019-03-09-16-12/ \

The model will generate F1-results and predictions and output them to files in the same training directory.

Model trained on Elasticsearch corpus excluding the unit tests

To reproduce the results of the model trained on Elasticsearch corpus excluding unittests:

python src/ \
    'data/raw/r252-corpus-features/org/elasticsearch/' \
    --trained-model-dir=trained_models/cnn_attention/elasticsearch_with_tests/2019-03-09-23-45/ \

The model will generate F1-results and predictions and output them to files in the same training directory.

To run your own experiments on those models, simply omit --use-same-input-dir

Directory structure

  • configs: Contains hyperparameters used in training the model and running the preprocessor. src/ validates the needed parameters.
  • data: (Git Ignored directory) Contains the raw .proto files used to train/test the model.
  • notebooks: Contains example notebooks used to execute the model and archived notebooks used in training/testing.
  • src: The directory contains the code for the model.
  • trained_models: the output directory for any experiment.


[1] Allamanis, M., Peng, H. and Sutton, C., 2016, June. 
A convolutional attention network for extreme summarization of source code.  
In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 2091-2100).

  title={A Convolutional Attention Network for Extreme Summarization of Source Code},
  author={Allamanis, Miltiadis and Peng, Hao and Sutton, Charles},
  booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)},


Implementation of 'A Convolutional Attention Network for Extreme Summarization of Source Code'


Language:Jupyter Notebook 88.7%Language:Python 11.3%