sameersbn / docker-gitlab

Dockerized GitLab

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This is mainly created so that you can keep up with the changes in the application stack.
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@fazo96 @arnos @zacker330 @DjBoris @TopCS @bwq @mattvoss @georgkreimer Please note that since the repo was getting bloated because of the packaged binary files. I have completely rewritten the repo history to remove these files.

Since you have forked this repo and amended your changes on top of it, I suggest you save your commits and then delete and refork this repo before reapplying your commit.

I am sorry about this.

2014-04-21: the internal mysql and redis servers will soon be removed from the image. Please use external or linked mysql and redis servers.

2014-04-29: added SSL support. Instructions in the README

2014-05-27: have not been able to tag version 6.9.0 due to some issue at the trusted build service. Will tag once they resolve the issue.

2014-05-28: the removal of the internal mysql and redis servers has started and will not be present when the next major version (7.0.0) of gitlab is released.

2014-06-23: Gitlab-7.0.0 now available docker pull sameersbn/gitlab:7.0.0

2014-07-22: Gitlab-7.1.0 now available docker pull sameersbn/gitlab:7.1.0

The mailer now has to be explicitly set to enable mail delivery via the -e "SMTP_ENABLED=true" configuration. SMTP_ENABLED defaults to true if SMTP_USER is defined, else it defaults to false

This only affects the latest tag and versions greater than 7.2.0-1

The internal redis server has now been removed and will not be present in the upcoming 7.3.0 release. If you were using the internal redis server then please refer to linking to redis container.

Also note that after the 7.3.0 release, the internal mysql server will be removed as well. If you are using the internal mysql server then follow these migration instructions before its too late.


  • image version 7.3.1-1 and above fixes the bash vulnerability that effects this image. Please make sure you update your gitlab image as soon as possible.
  • in release version 7.3.1-2 you do not need to execute the gitlab:setup rake command to setup the gitlab database at first run. It is handled automatically.



  • release version 7.3.1-3 fixes an issue when mysql database server is used, where the image will wait for the mysql server to accept connections until it times out. If you are using a mysql database then you probably need to update.


7.4.1 addresses some stuff in LDAP

Will prepare release 7.4.2 tomorrow.


  • version 7.4.2 is out and has some LDAP related fixes. Please make sure you take a backup before the upgrade. Refer to the updated upgrade instructions


  • The GITLAB_SIGNUP, GITLAB_SIGNIN, GITLAB_PROJECTS_LIMIT and GITLAB_GRAVATAR_ENABLED configuration parameters have been removed from the image. Since GitLab version 7.7, these parameters can be set from the Administration page of the GitLab installation.

Folks using this osx + boot2docker + sameersbn/postgresql, it would be great to hear your inputs with issue sameersbn/docker-postgresql#22. Thanks.


  • gitlab-ce version 7.9.0 is out now with BitBucket OAuth Support.
  • GITLAB_RESTRICTED_VISIBILITY has been removed and can now be configured from the UI
  • SMTP_OPENSSL_VERIFY_MODE now defaults to peer
  • UNICORN_WORKERS now defaults to 3


  • gitlab-ce 7.10.0 is out. This release removed options to configure external issue trackers through ENV variables. These settings have been moved to the Settings page of GitLab under the Service Templates section. If you are using an external issue tracker, don't forget to set it up.
  • A new GITLAB_EMAIL_REPLY_TO option is added. You can configure the reply_to address in email sent out by gitlab.
  • A new LDAP_BLOCK_AUTO_CREATED_USERS option is added for LDAP users


  • gitlab-ce 7.10.3 is out.
  • version 7.10.2 and above has options to configure remote AWS backups.


edit: You need to specify the GITLAB_SECRETS_DB_KEY_BASE parameter while starting version 8.0.0. Please refer the updated docs for more information.


you mean 2015 right? :)


Since 8.0.4-1, automated builds have been moved to You will no longer find tagged versions of the image on the You can pull the image using docker pull will only have builds tagged latest, no new versions will be tagged there.

The reason for this change is that the release process on is a very time consuming affair. I had to manually tag builds each time a release was made. automatically tags new images from the git tag, saving me countless hours of manual effort.

This does not change anything other than when you pull the image, you need to prefix to the image name. seems like an easier solution!

way better than

  • simple release process
  • builds are faster
  • user can also download squashed docker image (experimental) or a rocket image
  • has a lot of statistics and visualization tools

and a badge for the readme ;P

yea.. but it always says building, when its actually ready. i guess a github caching issue

Please be advised that http clones with relative_urls is broken in 8.1.0.

@sameersbn: what's an example where it would fail in 8.1.0?

If GITLAB_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT is defined then cloning repos using http/https fails. SSH clones work fine.

release 8.1.0-1 fixes the https/http cloning issue when GITLAB_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT is used.

@sameersbn Docker Hub has just released dynamic matching of git branches and tags as well as faster builds.

@davidwindell has it been released? I don't see any options.

I guess it has not been released yet. I don't see any options in the build settings. However once its released I will check it out and decide if it is any good. My main concern is whether docker hub will keep rebuilding tags at every push on the master. If that is the case, I will not even bother.

I will however continue to generate builds on as it has served me well over the last couple releases.

Builds are now back on Docker Hub and will also remain available on


@sameersbn No more announcements here? ;)

@mikehaertl this thread is intended to announce changes that could break existing deployments. recently there haven't been any such changes while new releases are being made 😄

@sameersbn Hmm, it's just that some of the previous announcements were about new features, too. So I though, you'd also announce new releases here. Unfortunately github doesn't have such a feature.

I think no one would be offended of an announcement too much ;)


I think no one would be offended of an announcement too much ;)

Agreed. Issue really is GitLab releases 3 - 4 releases a month. Updating this thread for every release becomes an issue at that point.

p.s. You can get notified about new releases using this atom feed If this does not work for you, then I will try updating this thread for every monthly release that happens on 22nd of each month.

Note that the release with GitLab 8.6.0 could be delayed by a few days as it breaks relative_url support in the image. If you are eager to use the latest release and DO NOT use relative_urls (i.e. GITLAB_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT) for your gitlab installation, then you can use the latest build of the image. The 8.6.0 tag will be delayed until relative_url support has been fixed.

PostgreSQL users should also note that GitLab 8.6.0 requires that pg_trgm extension is loaded for the gitlab database. If you are using the sameersbn/postgresql image then please upgrade to sameersbn/postgresql:9.4-17 and add DB_EXTENSION=pg_trgm to the env of the postgresql container (eg,

@sameersbn I have the GITLAB_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT= in my docker-compose.yml but it is empty, exactly like I posted it. I think that I should be able to upgrade without problems?

@lenovouser you are not using relative urls. you can upgrade.

I'm also waiting on the fix for relative root for 8.6.0. Managed to get past the DB_EXTENSION by exec-ing into the postgresdb container, but still can't use it because of the relative root problem.

8.6.1 has been released with the relative_url fix.
builds status:

edit: A known issue is the reaction emoji's page does not load with relative urls. This appears to be a upstream issue.

PostgreSQL users should also note that GitLab 8.6.0 requires that pg_trgm extension is loaded for the gitlab database. If you are using the sameersbn/postgresql image then please upgrade to sameersbn/postgresql:9.4-17 and add DB_EXTENSION=pg_trgm to the env of the postgresql container

This worked for me. I think it would be worthwhile adding this to the upgrade notes.

@djskinner done. thanks for the suggestion.

sameersbn/gitlab:8.7.0 has been released. Please refer the Changelog.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you have reply by email enabled and use email sub-addressing please add +%{key} before the user part of the GITLAB_INCOMING_EMAIL_ADDRESS, eg. GITLAB_INCOMING_EMAIL_ADDRESS=reply+%{key} This was automatically added in earlier releases, but since the feature now supports "dedicated email address" and "catch-all mailbox" this is no longer an option. see #670.

Refer to for more details.

Releases 8.8.0 thru 8.8.2 have been published. We decided to put off the container registry support in these releases until we have a cleaner integration and nicer docs

We released sameersbn/gitlab:8.11.0 this has some important changes. It's now required to set the following environment variables. GITLAB_SECRETS_OTP_KEY_BASE and GITLAB_SECRETS_SECRET_KEY_BASE. We recommend that these environment variables should have a string length of 64 characters. Please backup these keys. They will be needed for encryption like GITLAB_SECRETS_DB_KEY_BASE. We hope that you enjoy this.

This doesn't seem to be used anymore, also RSS seems like a better way.

Maybe we should recommend we tell users to subscribe to the RSS feed for the releases (that is what I do via slack integration)


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