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Golang API Wrapper

irfansofyana opened this issue · comments

Hi @sameerkumar18, I'm interested to contribute to this project by building the API wrapper in Go. The code is here:
Is it possible for me to add this to the website documentation?
Thanks in advance.

Hey @irfansofyana, Great work!
I'd love to add this to the documentation. Usually, I add it under the API wrappers (like this).
Like NPM, PIP, I suppose there's a package manager for Golang too? If so, could you add your Go package there? (here's a guide). I'm sure it'll be 10x more convenient for Golang programmers to use it! Thanks!

sure @sameerkumar18, I will work on adding documentation to Will inform you when I have done, thank you!

@irfansofyana sounds good! Looking forward :)

created a PR to add golnag api wrapper in the README: #35

Excellent work @irfansofyana - I've merged the PR

thank you! I'll close this issue