samdenty / Wi-PWN

ESP8266 firmware for performing deauthentication attacks, with ease.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

JS/HTML injection via SSID

jn4kr opened this issue · comments


As you can see it's possible to inject HTML/Javascript in the attack page via the ssid.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a beacon with the tag you wan't to inject as SSID (e.g. <svg onload="alert('1')"/> )
  2. Select the beacon as target
  3. Switch to the attack page




@jn4kr ...
Does android even process these WiFi names in the available wifis list ?!


Yeah. But i think it's off topic, so I'll sent you a mail about this topic.

Project is kinda dead but once i really don’t know what to do, i’ll think about it.

We might be able to strip out all HTML code using a REGEX?