samccone / bundle-buddy

A tool to understand your bundle size and why files are in your bundle

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error when co-located source maps

ivikash opened this issue · comments

Hey @samccone, I am trying to run bundle-buddy src/**/*.map but for all files its throwing Error processing src/folderName/, TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of null and ends with No bundle source maps were processed.

My source maps files are co-located with source files and not in public.

@ivikash I am guessing your source maps do not have the source content inside of the source maps files. You can verify this by opening one of your source map files and looking to see if the source is in there.

Thanks, @samccone for your response. I can assure you those files are not empty.

interesting, would you be able to share a source map file with me so I can debug?

my guess would be it is this line that is failing


Hi @ivikash going to close this. let me know if you have a test case for me and I can reopen.


For me this error went away after adding the devtool: 'source-map' option in webpack with the initial setting in my case by Nuxt.js being devtool: 'nosources-source-map'. It would probably be good to have an error message instead of an exception here.

hi @felixbuenemann would you be able to create a test case that I could look at?

Thanks so much for reaching out!

I think this example will be useful:

It generates all the different source-map styles, you can then check the with bundle-buddy.

I'm having the same issue, which is weird because source-map-explorer works great and I've been using sourcemaps to debug my CRA app for a while now.

I guess I'll just drop the package? It seems it changed direction and this npm version got abandoned? The current README doesn't explain much...