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Could we add EitherX ?

CorentinClabaut opened this issue · comments

I guess we could have:

type Either3[T1 any, T2 any, T3 any] struct {
	argId int

	arg1 T1
	arg2 T2
	arg3 T3




.IsArg(i int)

@samber If you agree that it could be useful I could add Either3/4/5
If this is added I'm wondering if we should then have Either2 instead of the current Either type for consistency?
And maybe mark the current Either as deprecated?

That's an interesting idea.

Can you store argId into a uint8? Can you rename CreateEither3Arg1 to NewEither3Arg1, in order to respect Go conventions?

I would rather keep the Either data structure, since methods are a bit different and closer to the monad naming.

Let's start with Either3/4/5. Either6/7/8/... will be added in the future if necessary.

Sounds good, I'll add that