saltstack / salt-extension

Tool to simplify the creation of a new salt extension

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pinned requirements unused

lkubb opened this issue · comments

Currently, the generated project contains hooks for generating pinned requirements for tests, docs and lint. The does not account for them (tests, docs) and lint is generally not used by anything.

I think it would make sense to decide whether the tests and docs generation and linting should use pinned requirements (I tend to agree) and then, depending on the decision, either make nox use them or remove the unnecessary scaffolding.

Edit: For context, the usage of pinned requirements was removed in #4

Edit2: After some consideration, I don't think the test requirements should be pinned in the current state since that would disallow testing against different Salt versions. With the tests requirements unpinned, I'm not sure reintroducing pinning for other domains makes sense and tend to think it should be removed completely. That would also allow easily migrating to pyproject.toml.

So the question should be:
Should we pin test requirements per Python/OS/Salt version combination or just remove pinning completely?