salomonelli / best-resume-ever

:necktie: :briefcase: Build fast :rocket: and easy multiple beautiful resumes and create your best CV ever! Made with Vue and LESS.

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Master no longer work on different enviorments

AreYouLoco opened this issue · comments




I tried master and all different branches on different systems with different nodejs versions and I no longer can use your amazing script.
Around year ago I used it to generate CV and I got hired instantly. Now I want to help non-technical friend to make best-resume-ever and
I am wondering what I could do to help fix the master. Or maybe @salomonelli could point me to the working branch for modern systems.
Year ago it worked :(


  • Operating System: Linux
  • Node-Version: node16/node17/node18/node19



the same problem for my first use
With linux
and node version: 18.7.0
and npm version: 8.18.0

Not able to get this running either.

This is an open source project, please make a PR with a fix.

A Tip that worked for me

I'm still learning VueJS and trying to improve my skills. Yesterday I was able to figure out (after search on the web) on how to make npm run dev works.

I've done this steps:

  1. NPM Update

npm update

  1. NPM install webpack-merge

npm i webpack-merge

  1. Edit package json

	"dev": "NODE_OPTIONS='--openssl-legacy-provider' node build/dev-server.js"

After that, I was able to run the server on localhost.

The problem

I can load the index page with the router view, but when I enter in any of the resumes, it isn't loading, it's just a blank rectangle and any of the resume template loads.
I'll try more today and will update in any progress (or regress).

Just improving the discussion