sallar / github-contributions-chart

:octocat: Generate an image of all your Github contributions

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Repo not updated?

SuperThinking opened this issue · comments

Guess some updates have been made to GitHub assets but not to this repo.



^ value of color has changed and intensity seems to be 0 for every object

:root, [data-color-mode="light"] {
  --color-calendar-graph-day-bg: #ebedf0;
  --color-calendar-graph-day-L1-bg: #9be9a8;
  --color-calendar-graph-day-L2-bg: #40c463;
  --color-calendar-graph-day-L3-bg: #30a14e;
  --color-calendar-graph-day-L4-bg: #216e39;

The color injection was changed to CSS variables. Reference Github asset link

:root {
  --color-calendar-graph-day-border: rgba(27, 31, 35, 0.06);

.calendar-graph {
  shape-rendering: geometricPrecision;
  outline: 1px solid var(--color-calendar-graph-day-border);
  outline-offset: -1px;

By the way, The newly added outline style doen't seem added.