salhasalman / News-Scraping-with-Scrapy

Scraping financial news of 22 big public companies from 2011 to 2017. the result of this project will support my other big project "Sentiment Analysis on Financial News" using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing

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News Scraping with Scrapy

Scrapy is a great scraping tool that work great on crawling dynamic websites, especially with those having a well-structured URL links that we can formulized with jQuery. In this project, I choose to scrape financial news data from This website has well-structured URL links that are perfect to analyze the relationship between news and company's performance. + Company Symbol + Date

I decided not to scrape the full article but only the summary displayed on the main pages since it gives good overview of the full content. Moreover, since we will process a big news dataset of 22 companies in the 6-year time span 2011 to 2017, I try to make each data record as compact as possible to speed up the processing time.


Create a virtual environment
pip install virtualenv
mkvirtualenv samsung
Install Scrapy and dependencies
pip install scrapy service_identity ipython pillow

Can check whether we have successfully installed Scrapy by typing command

pip freeze

Development Setup

Create the first Spider

To create a Spider project, simply type

scrapy startproject samsung

This will create a project directory samsung and all the neccessary files for the crawler. Now I access the project directory

cd samsung 

Display all available Scrapy command by

scrapy -h

Create the first Spider named samsung_Spider followed with the link of the news website that I want to scrape data from.

scrapy genspider samsung_Spider

Running the Test

I write a script to generate all the URL links of Reuters news of 22 companies from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2017. Each company would have 365 days x 6 years = 2190 links, and I end up with 2190 x 22 = 48180 links stored in url_list.txt
Then, I construct my Spider in
After specifying the crawling rule, I let the Spider crawl the website

scrapy crawl samsung_Spider

If I want to write the scraped content to csv file and don't display the content in the terminal, I use the command

scrapy crawl --nolog --output=export.csv samsung_Spider

The source code doesn't contain the date in a clear structure, so I obtained the date from the URL links and then, I write a script to extract the date from the URL and re-format them to MM/DD/YY
The sample scraped data is stored in News folder.


Scraping financial news of 22 big public companies from 2011 to 2017. the result of this project will support my other big project "Sentiment Analysis on Financial News" using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing


Language:Python 100.0%