salesforce / tough-cookie

RFC6265 Cookies and CookieJar for Node.js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

FindCookies function inside memstore.js does not catch the error thrown by permuteDomain function.

dev-sharma-08 opened this issue · comments

permuteDomain fn calls getPublicSuffix fn from pubsuffix-psl.js file which throws error upon using SPECIAL_USE_DOMAINS.
This error is not handled anywhere which causes unintended crashes.

Hi @dev-sharma-08, thanks for reporting this issue. findCookies has a parameter allowSpecialUseDomain that will change the behavior to avoid throwing errors when special use domains are used. If the error still occurs when you set that flag, please provide detailed steps to reproduce so that we can properly investigate. Thanks!

Hi @wjhsf, thanks for the quick reply. But even when allowSpecialDomain is set as true but if the domain part length is less than one, it throws error.