salaboy / kubecon-na-keynote

Kubecon North America 2022 :: Keynote Demo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A few documentation issues

npolizotis opened this issue · comments


I watched the keynote and I think it was a fantastic way to do a deep dive into so many concepts. Once I managed to reproduce the demo it really felt like magic (newbie).

As I was going through I came across a few issues and I thought I'd share my findings for future visitor.

My environment is Mac OSX, Docker Desktop

Cluster creation (

Please remove the listenAddress: part from cluster creation. This was quite difficult to identify and I had to restart all the instructions.
The didn't work. This is probably a Mac thing.

CLI installations ( )

You need first to install crossplane CLI and also
Otherwise the instruction

kubectl crossplane install provider crossplane/provider-helm:v0.10.0


Also the following instruction lands on a 404

Install the Knative Functions func CLI: works fine.

The last link in ("Now you can get back..")
should point to instead of to add the Environment CRDs

GCloud and docker-credential-gcr

I had to install l gcloud and l gcloud component for docker credentials because I got this error when I tried func deploy: "Failed to pull image ..."

This is how I installed docker-credential-gcr:gcloud components install docker-credential-gcr

I think visitors would also appreciate clean up instructions e.g. destroy kind cluster or destroy vcluster or destroy namespace

Again thanks for the demo and repo. This is a treasure.