SakisTsalk / cic-fridays-react-course

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CIC Fridays React Course

The goal of this course is to learn more about React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.


For 3 Fridays, we will cover a selection of core concepts. We will have a brief theoretical introduction and follow it up with hands on exercises.

Initialize the project

Clone this repo in your directory of choice on your computer: git clone

Open the cic-fridays-react-course folder with your code editor.

In the project's root folder open a terminal:

Install the project's dependencies: npm install

Run the development server: npm start

A new tab should open in your browser pointing to http://localhost:3000/

Now, whenever you make changes on an exercise and save them, they should automatically be reflected on the browser!

Going to exercises

To go to the exercises, you have to switch to the relevant git branch.

For example, If I wanted to visit the components exercises, I would have to: git checkout components

Notice that if you have made changes in a branch and you switch to another one, your changes will carry over to the new branch. To avoid this:

Stage your changes: git add --all

Commit them: git commit -m "Replace this example commit message"

You are ready to checkout another exercise branch!

Exercise branches (ordered)

  1. components
  2. props
  3. conditional-rendering
  4. handling-events
  5. state
  6. lifting-state-up
  7. loop-over-data
  8. component-lifecycle
  9. async



Language:JavaScript 41.5%Language:HTML 38.0%Language:CSS 20.5%