sajmoni / make-web-game

:space_invader: CLI tool to generate a 2D browser game template

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


CLI tool to generate a 2D browser game template

Generates a template to make a 2D browser game using PixiJS and TypeScript.

✨ Features

  • Full TypeScript support
  • Game loop using MainLoop.js
  • Simple scene management
  • Keyboard input
  • Separate web app to develop features in isolation
  • Web worker
  • Auto-pause when window loses focus
  • Reactive state management - trigger functions when state changes
  • Visual effects like fade-in and blink
  • Debug panel to inspect your scene
  • Sprite management using aseprite
  • Sound management
  • Main menu
  • Type-safe local storage
  • Very fast dev server using vite
  • Github actions workflow to deploy to
  • Code formatting with prettier

Dependencies included

Rendering and game logic


* = made by me

How to use

npx make-web-game@latest <game-name>

Usage with npx ensures that you are always using the latest version

make-web-game will do the following:

  • Create a new folder called <game-name>
  • Copy all template files to that folder
  • Install the dependencies
  • Create an initial commit

Example usage

npx make-web-game my-game

What you should do after the script is run

Template docs



A list of games bootstrapped using this tool:


  • git >=v2.28.0


:space_invader: CLI tool to generate a 2D browser game template


Language:TypeScript 86.3%Language:JavaScript 7.3%Language:Handlebars 3.2%Language:Shell 1.4%Language:HTML 1.2%Language:CSS 0.6%