sainnhe / gruvbox-material-vscode

Gruvbox Material for Visual Studio Code

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Some files/folders aren't highlighted when hovered over

kyleerhabor opened this issue · comments

  • Operating system/version: macOS Monterey (12.5)
  • VSCode version: 1.70.0


  "workbench.colorTheme": "Gruvbox Material Dark",
  "gruvboxMaterial.darkContrast": "hard"

Steps to reproduce this bug

  1. Go to (file) Explorer (note this is applicable to Search as well)
  2. Hover over files/folders

Actual behaviour

"Marked" entries (git changes/ignored, problems, etc.) aren't highlighted when hovered over while "unmarked" entries are. Folder paths are underlined, so I assume Visual Studio Code's default behavior is being used.

Expected behaviour

Any entry hovered over would be highlighted. I don't know if this is a feature of Gruvbox, but it would be nice if it were an option.

Looks like vscode didn't provide tokens to customize such colors:

I'm not sure how to implement this, PR is welcome.

This issue has been closed, the fix/feature will be available in the next release.

To get the update immediately, you can download and install the development version of this extension built by github action:

  1. Navigate to the github action page of this repository and click Development Release.
  2. Choose the workflow triggered by your issue and download the artifact.
  3. Extract the .zip file.
  4. Install from this .vsix file: How to install VS code extension manually? - Stack Overflow