saingsab / my-wave-portal

Build a Web3 App with Solidity + Ethereum Smart Contracts From Buildspace

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Basic Sample Hardhat Project

This project demonstrates a basic Hardhat use case. It comes with a sample contract, a test for that contract, a sample script that deploys that contract, and an example of a task implementation, which simply lists the available accounts.

Try running some of the following tasks:

npx hardhat accounts
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat clean
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
node scripts/sample-script.js
npx hardhat help

Verify Contract on Hardhat

  • Install @nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan
  • Add in plugin in hardhat.config.js
        apiKey: "XXXXX"
    } ```
  • npx hardhat verify 0xe69d062De423D8c07E5FA9f044a38f9bFB2Ce804 --network rinkeby


Build a Web3 App with Solidity + Ethereum Smart Contracts From Buildspace


Language:JavaScript 70.8%Language:Solidity 29.2%