saibing / bingo

Bingo is a Go language server that speaks Language Server Protocol.

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Failing to complete inside call-site

oblitum opened this issue · comments

This issue can be tested with bingo's own source code, in main.go, I don't get completion for log.Println(http. at the following location:


Line 56 in 4d5e0eb

log.Println(http.ListenAndServe(*pprof, nil))

I get completions after just log. or just http., but not after log.Println(http..

I'm not sure how to reduce it, since in simpler trivial code I couldn't reproduce it.



I test it with coc.nvim, it's ok

@saibing yes, the position you tested is ok, but in Line 56, it failed.


  1. vim main.go
  2. 56gg jumps to Line 56
  3. o to insert new line
  4. log.Println(http., failed

Tested with nvim+coc .

Not sure what is wrong here but deep down, net/http is being returned as a candidate but the Score doesn't seem right. In the below, {Label:http Detail:"net/http" Kind:10 Score:1}, is present.

items=[{Label:context Detail:"context" Kind:10 Score:1} {Label:debug Detail:"runtime/debug" Kind:10 Score:1} {Label:flag Detail:"flag" Kind:10 Score:1} {Label:fmt Detail:"fmt" Kind:10 Score:1} {Label:http Detail:"net/http" Kind:10 Score:1} {Label:io Detail:"io" Kind:10 Score:1} {Label:jsonrpc2 Detail:"" Kind:10 Score:1} {Label:langserver Detail:"" Kind:10 Score:1} {Label:log Detail:"log" Kind:10 Score:1} {Label:net Detail:"net" Kind:10 Score:1} {Label:os Detail:"os" Kind:10 Score:1} {Label:strings Detail:"strings" Kind:10 Score:1} {Label:time Detail:"time" Kind:10 Score:1} {Label:addr Detail:*string Kind:7 Score:1} {Label:buildTags Detail:*string Kind:7 Score:1} {Label:diagnosticsStyle Detail:*string Kind:7 Score:1} {Label:disableFuncSnippet Detail:*bool Kind:7 Score:1} {Label:enhanceSignatureHelp Detail:*bool Kind:7 Score:1} {Label:formatStyle Detail:*string Kind:7 Score:1} {Label:freeosmemory Detail:*int Kind:7 Score:1} {Label:globalCacheStyle Detail:*string Kind:7 Score:1} {Label:goimportsPrefix Detail:*string Kind:7 Score:1} {Label:logfile Detail:*string Kind:7 Score:1} {Label:main() Detail: Kind:8 Score:1} {Label:maxparallelism Detail:*int Kind:7 Score:1} {Label:mode Detail:*string Kind:7 Score:1} {Label:pprof Detail:*string Kind:7 Score:1} {Label:printVersion Detail:*bool Kind:7 Score:1} {Label:trace Detail:*bool Kind:7 Score:1} {Label:version = "v2-dev" Detail:string Kind:4 Score:1} {Label:append(slice []T, elems ...T) Detail:[]T Kind:8 Score:0.1} {Label:bool Detail: Kind:3 Score:0.1} {Label:byte Detail: Kind:3 Score:0.1} {Label:cap(v []T) Detail:int Kind:8 Score:0.1} {Label:close(c chan<- T) Detail: Kind:8 Score:0.1} {Label:complex(real float64, imag float64) Detail:complex128 Kind:8 Score:0.1} {Label:complex128 Detail: Kind:3 Score:0.1} {Label:complex64 Detail: Kind:3 Score:0.1} {Label:copy(dst []T, src []T) Detail:int Kind:8 Score:0.1} {Label:delete(m map[K]V, key K) Detail: Kind:8 Score:0.1} {Label:error Detail: Kind:1 Score:0.1} {Label:false Detail: Kind:4 Score:0.1} {Label:float32 Detail: Kind:3 Score:0.1} {Label:float64 Detail: Kind:3 Score:0.1} {Label:imag(complex128) Detail:float64 Kind:8 Score:0.1} {Label:int Detail: Kind:3 Score:0.1} {Label:int16 Detail: Kind:3 Score:0.1} {Label:int32 Detail: Kind:3 Score:0.1} {Label:int64 Detail: Kind:3 Score:0.1} {Label:int8 Detail: Kind:3 Score:0.1} {Label:iota Detail: Kind:4 Score:0.1} {Label:len(T) Detail:int Kind:8 Score:0.1} {Label:make(t T, size Detail:T Kind:8 Score:0.1} {Label:new(T) Detail:*T Kind:8 Score:0.1} {Label:nil Detail: Kind:7 Score:0.1} {Label:panic(interface{}) Detail: Kind:8 Score:0.1} {Label:print(args ...T) Detail: Kind:8 Score:0.1} {Label:println(args ...T) Detail: Kind:8 Score:0.1} {Label:real(complex128) Detail:float64 Kind:8 Score:0.1} {Label:recover() Detail:interface{} Kind:8 Score:0.1} {Label:rune Detail: Kind:3 Score:0.1} {Label:string Detail: Kind:3 Score:0.1} {Label:true Detail: Kind:4 Score:0.1} {Label:uint Detail: Kind:3 Score:0.1} {Label:uint16 Detail: Kind:3 Score:0.1} {Label:uint32 Detail: Kind:3 Score:0.1} {Label:uint64 Detail: Kind:3 Score:0.1} {Label:uint8 Detail: Kind:3 Score:0.1} {Label:uintptr Detail: Kind:3 Score:0.1}]

Thanks. That's fixed. I just noticed though that signatureHelp isn't working at that spot too.