saddam213 / OnnxStack

C# Stable Diffusion using ONNX Runtime

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Suggestions, new ideas and general talk

Amin456789 opened this issue · comments


thank u for this!
i'm a huge fan of onnx as it is very cpu friendly. could u please try and make AnimateDiff to work with onnx too? it will be great to have text 2 gif and image 2 gif with AnimateDiff for onnx cpu in the future

kind regards


Sorry I have not heard of AnimateDiff, but if you can explain how its supposed to work I can try add it for you :)


thank you for ur fast reply,
AnimateDiff is a feature like any other features such as pix2pix or controlnet for stable diffusion, it is a text2video, it uses prompts to make us animated gifs, also it can be used to animate our images as well
please search it on github to know more about this amazing feature
thank u

Had a quick google, looks awesome!!!

That is something I will definately add to this repo if I can, however not sure how long it will take.

My next task is getting the bigger Models to work, StableDiffusion 2.1 and the BaseXL models, as I just brought a 24GB GPU so I can finally dev without waiting on my poor CPU, then I might tackle this AnimateDiff process :)

Thanks for bringing it to my attention :)


u r welcome and thank u so much for considering doing it in the future! a lot of people will love this!


Nice job!

i see how u r active and working on inpainting right now! cant wait for its release, also, there are some other github onnx projects that managed to bring pix2pix to onnx too! maybe u can get help from their code...

txt2img, img2img, inpainting, pix2pix, animatediff in a onnx c# project like urs = the best option out there!

thanks for all ur hard work buddy!

Inpainting prototype is kinda working, small edits seem to work, but large edits seem to just grey out

Still has some work to go, but if you want to test it you will need to use the inpainting model (this wont work on txt2img or img2img)

If you know of some good repos that would be useful let me know, always good to have more insight


yes there are some good ones that i can tell:
OnnxDiffusersUI by azuritecoin on github = it has working inpainting which has a legacy version too, legacy version will work with normal non inpainting models too
Stable-Diffuison-ONNX-FP16 by Amblyopius on github = it has lots of goodies that u can get help with such as pix2pix

Let's not limit ourselves. Warp fusion is a true killer.

Pix2Pix and Inpaint legacy should be fairly easy to implement now, I started with the non legacy inpaint as it was the hardest to implement.

Hopefully will have both done by the weekend, then I will tackle the upscaler then move on to controlnet stuff (AnimatedDiff etc. )

All Onnx examples are in python, I have never used python but starting to understand it a bit more and thats making it a bit easier.
There is little to no c# Onnx documentation for stable diffusion or anything really which is slowing me down

I want to keep this repo as pure c# and have no bindings to python or c++ libs


that's great to hear, can't wait for new stuff,
i know how hard is to programming and codding but please don't give up! having a good c# onnx with lots of features will make ur repo unique!
btw, don't forget to make a topic about this in stable diffusion section on reddit! people will love to use it

Unfortunately I dont have a reddit or any social media, but feel free to post if you have one


im a lurker in sd on reddit too :D just reading stuff, but it'll get there at some point.
im so happy about this repo, im gonna rename this topic to something new for people to talk and give new ideas as we are talking about lots of stuff here


@JohnClaw have a look at this great repo man


@tonual that is right! warp fusion is sick

have a look at this great repo man

Thank you for informing me and many thanks to Saddam213 for creating this tool. I am trying to find SD_ONNX_CLI.exe or SD_ONNX_GUI.exe. However this repo is great. P.S: I tried to make OnnxStack WebUI to draw a cat but it failed to do that. No error was generated in a console window. CPU just stayed IDLE, drawing process didn't started after pressing the "Generate" button.


@bjornlarssen @drago87 you guys should keep an eye on this repo too if u r amd or cpu users

Nice job!

i see how u r active and working on inpainting right now! cant wait for its release, also, there are some other github onnx projects that managed to bring pix2pix to onnx too! maybe u can get help from their code...

txt2img, img2img, inpainting, pix2pix, animatediff in a onnx c# project like urs = the best option out there!

thanks for all ur hard work buddy!

Inpaint legacy is working a lot better.

For example I can easily add a tree to an image with a bare minimum prompt

Still has some work to go, but the basic idea is up and running


that's great buddy! amazing that u added this feature so fast
nice job!

that's great buddy! amazing that u added this feature so fast nice job!

It will work with the standard StableDiffusion 1.5 model, no need to use the StableDiffusion-Inpainting model

Will get started on Pix2Pix today :)


great! thanks for all ur efforts!


one request though, could you please update webui for us non programmers to download time to time? lots of us don't know how compile projects to use,
it will be great to have updated webui time to time, specially when a new feature is being added, thank you.
also, will there be new samplers for inpainting beside ddpm? such as euler and ddim

Oh sorry I thought you were compiling as I added new things, my bad

I have published a Debug version of the WebUI using current state of the repo

I will do a proper release this weekend when I update the nuget packages.

From now on I will add WebUI builds like this for non programmers to tests between full releases :)


thank you so so so much!

Regarding the Schedulers, I have only converted 3 so far, LMS, Euler Ancestral and DDPM

I will need DIMM for some of the new features, so that will be the next most likely, "

The other schedulers are still not perfect, playing with some of the settings can lead to retarded results, I do need to go back and revisit them all at some point, when I converted them I didn't know any python, but its been a few weeks now so going back and retranslating may be easier now(hope so anyway, math nightmare)

Let me know if you have any issue getting the WebUI demo up and running :)


very understandable.
iv heard dpms [dpm solver] gives very good results in very less steps, it could be an option too.
btw, our buddy @JohnClaw had a problem, is ur problem solved john?

is ur problem solved john?

No. It remains. Here's a screenshot of OnnxStack WebUI:
As you can see "Generate" button was pressed and became inactive. But no image generation happens. CPU load is 7% whereas it should be 100%. RAM load is 2gb whereas it should be more than 12gb.
Here's a screenshot of OnnxStack WebUI console:
No errors are displayed. But no progress of image generation is displayed either.

Weird, the web UI is very new and probably still buggy, might be best to wait for the repo to mature a bit more before its ready to use.

Thanks for giving it a shot :)

Added a discord channel for OnnxStack to my other projects server for now incase anyone has discord and whats to chat about this project


Hey guys, hope u have a great day.

a bit off topic but u guys should use koboldcpp, it is very good, the model i am using is synthia 7b v1.3 gguf. koboldcpp is great for anything text generation stuff like chat etc...
another thing i am having so much fun is Audiocraft plus, it can generate music for u with musicgen

anyway, the models that i always use are lyriel v1.6 and hasdx for stable diffusion. they are good for everything
not to mention lyriel v1.6 can generate 256x256 images very high quality, just put 3d render, anime, cartoon in negative prompt and u r good to go

by the way Adam, in my tests RealSR was the bast upscaler, if u can put in ur onnx it will be great. please see it on github.
for some onnx models and help and face restoration see Face-Upscalers-ONNX on github by harisreedhar

a bit off topic but u guys should use koboldcpp

It's good but it requires a web-browser to run. Web-browsers cosume much RAM. I found a new project, Ava pls. It doesn't require a web-browser and it's exe is small. Link:

lyriel v1.6 can generate 256x256 images very high quality

Have you tried it in SD.cpp by leejet? From which site did you download it? Civitai or HF?


wow thnx for the heads up, ava pls seems so cool, but something i really dig from koboldcpp is the adventure and story mode and put an avatar for the character, does ava pls do the same except chat?

yes i download lyriel from civitai, no i didn't try it on sd.cpp yet, but im almost sure when u make a ggml of it, it will work with 256x256 too. just download the safetensor and convert it, quality is very high. then u can upscale with realsr


also, lyriel could be very good for animatediff when it is released, we can let it to generate 256x256 gifs, then by using flowframes we take out the frames, upscale them and use flowframes again to make a gif again, also flowframes makes the gif much much smoother as it will use ai to fill it with more frames very fast

Hey guys, hope u have a great day.

a bit off topic but u guys should use koboldcpp, it is very good, the model i am using is synthia 7b v1.3 gguf. koboldcpp is great for anything text generation stuff like chat etc... another thing i am having so much fun is Audiocraft plus, it can generate music for u with musicgen

anyway, the models that i always use are lyriel v1.6 and hasdx for stable diffusion. they are good for everything not to mention lyriel v1.6 can generate 256x256 images very high quality, just put 3d render, anime, cartoon in negative prompt and u r good to go

by the way Adam, in my tests RealSR was the bast upscaler, if u can put in ur onnx it will be great. please see it on github. for some onnx models and help and face restoration see Face-Upscalers-ONNX on github by harisreedhar

I also have a GGUF based Text Completion library available :)


whoa that is so cool!


just checked it, it is very good, u should make a cute gui for it for local usage someday

There is already a local GUI available

WPF Application link

Similar to OnnxStack, just download a GGUF model, and set it in the apps appsettings.json


thanks buddy, is there a dark mode for it? also, is it webui? and for the final question, does it have a memory? for example in koboldcpp we can give the ai a memory for roleplaying... ur gui seems very lightweight, i like it!

No dark mode yet,

Its a WPF UI not web, but there is also a local WebUI available and a WebAPI

It has does have state saving abilities, and allows multiple contexts on a single model

I doubt its as advanced as koboldcpp as I am new to AI and OnnxStack and LLamaStack are my first AI projects


thanks mate!
well u have a very good start, great ai future ahead for u!


great, thank u!


@ClashSAN hey buddy, i saw u almost everywhere when it comes to optimizing stable diffusion cpp/onnx stuff :D, i though let u know to keep an eye on this repo, also any tips are welcome for helping our buddy Adam here


anyway guys, in latest onnxruntime 1.16, in its changelog it says: 4-bit quantization support for cpu, i assume it is int4 right?
i used to use quantized hasdx int8 which was only 1gb model without safety checker, the quality was quite good. now i was thinking maybe onnxstack should support int4 too as it will be 500mb model or something [i assume it does as it is the latest onnxrunetime], it will be a huge ram saver for us cpu users. the only problem with int8 was some samplers didn't work. but ddim euler euler a dpmsolver were working very good, but in inpainting only ddim had good results

quantized models are quite good, for example i am using gguf q3 of synthia 7b for text generation, there are reports on sd.cpp that q5 are really good for stable diffusion

Version 0.4.0

Still can't make it work. I suppose that i do something wrong due to lack of technical knowledge. Btw, i made some changes to appsettings.json that may make OnnxStack not working as it should. I replaced default paths by custom. For example, by default one of the paths inside appsettings.json is: "D:\Repositories\stable-diffusion-v1-5\unet\model.onnx" I changed D:\ to C:\ because my ssd hasn't D:\ partition. I also moved file called cliptokenizer.onnx from OnnxStack WebUI folder to C:\Repositories\stable-diffusion-v1-5\. I did it because there wasn't such file in C:\Repositories\stable-diffusion-v1-5\
And by default contents of appsetings.json includes a path that looks like D:\Repositories\stable-diffusion-v1-5\cliptokenizer.onnx Why OnnxStack WebUI tries to find this file in stable-diffusion-v1-5 folder whereas it already exists inside it's own folder? Why OnnxStack WebUI can't automatically detect where is stable-diffusion-v1-5 folder? Should i change DirectML parameter in appsetting.json to CPU? I guess we need an instruction how to properly install and configure OnnxStack WebUI and appsettings.json. And, please, make a GUI version of OnnxStack. WebUI runs in web-browser and browsers consume a lot of RAM. I have only 15,4 gb RAM, Windows 11 consumes at least 2gb, OnnxStack needs 12gb RAM and browser consumes the rest 1,4 gb. So even if i manage to run OnnxStack WebUI after properly configuring appsettings.json, i will encounter a lack of RAM.

Yes, you will need to change the paths in the appsettings.json to where your model files are

Make sure the paths have 2 slashes \\ between paths (a json thing)

If you dont have a GPU then yes set "ExecutionProvider": "DirectML" to "ExecutionProvider": "Cpu"

Yes, you will need to change the paths in the appsettings.json to where your model files are

Make sure the paths have 2 slashes \\ between paths (a json thing)

If you dont have a GPU then yes set "ExecutionProvider": "DirectML" to "ExecutionProvider": "Cpu"

Thank you for the answer. I already understood both things yesterday and edited appsettings.json accordingly but it didn't help: OnnxStack WebUI still doesn't generate images. Here's a screenshot that displays a part of appsettings.json:
Should i somehow change DeviceId, InterOpNumThreads, IntraOpNumThreads and ExecutionMode? And what about cliptokenizer.onnx ? Was i doing it right when i moved this file from the main folder of OnnxStack WebUI to C:\Repositories\stable-diffusion-v1-5\ ?


in my opinion a gui is much better as the whole resource goes to sd, a cute gui and for solving all these there should be a model folder within the app's folder that the models goes in and it doesn't need json, like many other gui that when we run them they just look at the folder.
same goes for cpu, an option in the gui will be great that automatically rename it to gpu or cpu in json or something
i still didn't test this webui as i still waiting for new stuff to to test, so i can't comment, but did u installed .net 7 on ur system john? maybe that is the problem, or maybe u have to type CPU with capslock, in some other gui i had to rename it manually change the dml to cpu and it was important to type with capslock CPU


btw john, leejet is still not there to update sd.cpp, i really needed a batch count, he didn't update for 1 month, do u got a way for sd.cpp that it can generate images in a row one after the another? like a bat command or something,i tried to write a bat that could wait for sd.exe to close in task manager so it can run my generate bat again but i failed


@saddam213 i see u r working on a gui! thank u for all ur efforts man!

i have some good news, there is a new sampler named LCM which has a very fast speed time and much much less steps are needed from now on! just with 3-4 steps u have a perfect image!
it has a specific model which has to be converted to onnx i think, but the model is very very good.
it will be great if we can have this sampler in ur gui in the future so we can be free from 20-30 or more steps!
please search = latent-consistency-model by luosiallen on github for more info, it is very fresh and new
the model is 3.4gb, i think it is f32, maybe we can have a f16 onnx of it too?


i see u r so active these days Adam! GO GO GO!


Hey guys
Adam, if u ever wanted to bring LCM to onnx here is a repo that will help u:

and getting help of how bringing it to cpu and img2img etc... [not onnx but can get the idea]:

and for getting help from implementing text2gif img2gif and knowing about frames and stuff this webui extension can help [not onnx, just the idea]:

Hopefully someone will convert some models and I can give LCM a shot

Unfortunately my lack of Python knowledge is a blocker for stuff like this :(

One of the main reasons I started OnnxStack is because I dont know Python.


hmm, in that repo people i think were generating images, maybe we can convert it with that onnx conversation?
anyway, made a topic in optimum repo so we can get an answer:

ps: it is never too late to learn new stuff, i think u it will be great if learn python too, it will definitely will help u in ur career in the future.
but hey, i remember i wanted to learn programming when i was a teenager and bought a Delphi language CD tutorial, after 5 minutes i dropped the disc away :d programming wasn't my thing, but for u it is a bless, so play with python sometimes... who knows buddy

Hopefully someone will convert some models and I can give LCM a shot

And what about OpenVino? Could you implement it in OnnxStack, please?


from things i heard onnx and openvino almost have the same speed in cpu, so having one of them will be ok i guess.
i can't wait for animatediff and lcm come to onnxstack to have everything in one place, my AI apps folder is a mess


Adam, u can convert the LCM model easily, i got an answer, please convert and test it out
it is easy just like converting any other models, scripts and tutorial are in the answer here;


btw Adam, it will be great if u share the model in huggingface when you converted it after the test, please test it with fp16 version too if possible. when everything is good contact LCM official repo, they will put ur repo on the list which will be a boost for ur page too!

I am very grateful for whatever u do for us, sometimes my requests are a lot i know, but hey, i am so excited about this project ;) A BIG THANK U

Adam, u can convert the LCM model easily, i got an answer, please convert and test it out it is easy just like converting any other models, scripts and tutorial are in the answer here; huggingface/optimum#1497

I tried for about 5 hours last night, however could not even install optimum-cl, just failed with an error, I gave up

Python just sucks on windows, nothing ever works for me, Im sure someone will make a model Onnx soon

Hopefully someone will convert some models and I can give LCM a shot

And what about OpenVino? Could you implement it in OnnxStack, please?

That is something I might look at after OnnxStack, but its not a good fit for this project as this is Onnx integrations only


hope so, other than LCM, i really love this model images, they are so beautiful. couldn't find something close to it yet.

I will be starting LCM this week as I have hit a roadblock with AnimatedDiff, I simply dont have the GPU power to test and keep my sanity, I only have a 3090, and it takes sooo long to generate a vid that its unbearable to debug :/

There is only so many times a man can wait 10min for a 24 frame vid thats all noise, lol

I have plenty of work to do before I need an LCM Onnx model, I still need to make a c# version of the LCMScheduler and diffusion loop, hopefully by the time I have finished that someone has figured out the coverting part :p

Good News, we have a dev on the team @TheyCallMeHex he has this all sorted and is now converting models to onnx as we speak

The following are other stable diffusion models he has converted to ONNX and tested with OnnxStack.

He is now looking at the LCM model :)


oh goodie, cant wait for the lcm!
and about the animatediff, well maybe u should lower the settings way below like 8 frame to test...


I've converted the LCM-Dreamshaper-V7 model to ONNX, but wont be able to test it with OnnxStack until @saddam213 finished the C# scheduler for LCM.

So as of now, this is completely untested(Other than it 100% wont work in OnnxStack yet)


great thanks!


now i have an idea Adam, if u managed to make the LCM to work after that u can connect LCM to Animatediff somehow, there is a repo for comfyui that u can connect lcm to animatediff
now in my test LCM only needs 3 steps, not even 4. so i think less steps will make the process for u easier to work on animatediff
also, u can use fp16 models for animatediff, they are in the description [model zoo] of continue-revolution repo, less size maybe faster generation, u should play with other settings such as context batch size [lower them] to see if it will be faster or not

now i have an idea Adam, if u managed to make the LCM to work after that u can connect LCM to Animatediff somehow, there is a repo for comfyui that u can connect lcm to animatediff now in my test LCM only needs 3 steps, not even 4. so i think less steps will make the process for u easier to work on animatediff also, u can use fp16 models for animatediff, they are in the description [model zoo] of continue-revolution repo, less size maybe faster generation, u should play with other settings such as context batch size [lower them] to see if it will be faster or not

If I was modifying a python app then yes I could just change its settings, however in my case its not quite that easy, I don't have any settings to change like batch size, as I have not written them yet, I cant use any of that python code, I can use it as a reference but all implementation needs to be done from scratch, and its slow, I really need more GPU power, its just what it is

But LCM uses less resources, so good place to start until I get a better GPU.

Been looking for an excuse to get an A100 80GB, maybe now is the time :)


hmm, i never tried any of this online ones, but i think u can rent very good gpus for 1 hour very cheaply in site
A40 GPU for 1 hour = $0.40

TBH its just not that important to me, sorry, but I would rather just take my time

Just got LCM TextToImage working!!!!!

Backend only, but I will update the UIs in the morning

Image generated with 6 steps 1.5seconds

All that math hurt my brain and need to have a sleep, LOL

LCM ImageToImage now implemented


Just got LCM TextToImage working!!!!!

Great! Thank you very much. Your app may become the best but only with OpenVino. FastSDCpu ( combines LCM and OpenVino and generates images very fast. But it is written in Python. Python is slower than C#. So if you combine LCM and OpenVino in OnnxStack, your app will be faster than FastSDCpu.

They can do 4 steps in 10 seconds, OnnxStack takes 12, pretty sure I can optimize it a bit more and get it close to 10, maybe below

But to convert the whole project now to OpenVino for a few seconds seems overkill

I have opened a discussion section for new ideas etc :)

But to convert the whole project now to OpenVino for a few seconds seems overkill

I have only a laptop with a cheap CPU (no GPU is onboard), so for me OpenVino + LCM is much faster than ONNX + LCM. But i don't like Python so i prefer to use OnnxStack, though it slower due to lack of OpenVino. :(

My entire project is build on Onnx so unfortunately that wont be an option here.

However FastSdcpu looks pretty awesome, so no need to replace it

Inpainting prototype is kinda working, small edits seem to work, but large edits seem to just grey out

Still has some work to go, but if you want to test it you will need to use the inpainting model (this wont work on txt2img or img2img)

If you know of some good repos that would be useful let me know, always good to have more insight

HI, you asked for good repos... not sure if good, but maybe you may look into my rep. Being working on another UI by myself, got main pipelines (lcm working on test env but no uploaded)....and a couple of my own ideas that might be useful (i.e. disk space and memory management for low mem cards...)