sachinchoolur / lightGallery

A customizable, modular, responsive, lightbox gallery plugin.

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Duplicated gallery overlays (I wanted to go back to first photo when opening the 'show more photos')

azuxx opened this issue · comments


I wanted to go back to first photo when opening the 'show more photos' but two fullscreen overlays are shown instead of just the above one.

TS/HTML code on Angular project

lightGallerySettings: LightGallerySettings = {
    counter: false,
    licenseKey: environment.lightGalleryLicenseKey,
    plugins: [lgZoom]

playFromStartingSlide() {
    const lg = document.getElementById('activity-details-light-gallery');
      // Get the plugin instance through the lightGallery main function
      const plugin = lightGallery(lg);
<ng-template #galleryTpl let-galleryItems="galleryItems" let-hasMultiPreview="hasMultiPreview">
  <lightgallery [settings]="lightGallerySettings" class="light-gallery-container" id="activity-details-light-gallery"
                [class.light-gallery-container--multi-preview]="hasMultiPreview && galleryItems?.length > 1">
    <a [href]="galleryItems[0]?.url">
      <img alt="immagine principale gallery" [src]="galleryItems[0]?.url"/>
    <ng-container *ngIf="hasMultiPreview && galleryItems?.length > 1">
        *ngFor="let item of galleryItems; let i = index;"
        [href]="item.url" [style.display]="i > 3 ? 'none' : 'block'">
        <img [src]="item.url" [alt]="'immagine gallery n.'+ i"/>
        <button *ngIf="i === 3" mat-stroked-button color="primary" (click)="playFromStartingSlide()">
          {{isLowerThanOrEqual1024() ? ('' | translate) : ('' | translate)}}


lightGallery 2.7.2 with Angular 15



Could I have your support please?
Kind regards

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