sachinchoolur / lightGallery

A customizable, modular, responsive, lightbox gallery plugin.

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Toggle Thumbnails button hides caption as well

DBadke opened this issue · comments

When the Toggle Thumbnails button is enabled and thumbnails are visible, clicking the button hides the thumbnails - this is good. However, it also hides the caption - not so good. This is because the "lg-sub-html" div is a child of the "lg-components" div, and the toggle hides the "lg-components" div (and all of its children).

Either the "lg-sub-html" div should not be a child of the "lg-components" div, or the toggle should hide the "lg-thumb-outer" div instead of the "lg-components" div.

Note: I was looking at a demo ( that uses lightGallery version 1, and it does not have this issue.

Thank you for reporting this. Yes, the HTML structure is completely different in v2. I'll try to improve the experience


Hi DBadke.
Can you please help me how to get the thumbnails to toggel in V2.
I tried:
const $gall = document.getElementById("gall");
const gall = window.lightGallery($gall, {
dynamic: true,

toggleThumb: true,

plugins: [lgZoom, lgThumbnail],
dynamicEl: [





AnimateThumb: true, and thumbnail: true, works fine but no toggeling.

You also need to set the allowMediaOverlap option, which is false by default:

toggleThumb: true,
allowMediaOverlap: true

I don't know why, but if allowMediaOverlap is false, the thumbnail toggle button is hidden even if toggleThumb is true.



Thanks for that hint.
I found my mistake:
I copied and pasted the command from
and there is a writing error. It is toogle instead of toggle.

But I still can't start the gallery with hidden thumbs and the toggle button visible.
In V1 I achieved this with showThumbByDefault:false, but this seems not to be working any more...

I'm having the same problem.

After years with Fancybox, I switched to this. I want the toggle thumbs to show (it currently doesn't do anything), I set allowMediaOverlap to true and the images cover up the thumbnails and I can't see the toggle thumb icon. Why can't this and the next previous arrows be moved into the top bar? Fancybox allows a layout, it keeps the stage nice and clean.

Yes, currently, toggleThumb does not work if allowMediaOverlap is set to false.

In lightGallery, most things are handled by CSS, including the toggleThumb option for better performance and experience.

Honestly, I didn't think many people would use toggleThumb option. But, this can be done without much effort.
I'll try to include it in version 2.7.0 as it requires some markup changes.

Also, @carasmo, There is no option to move the next/prev buttons to the top bar.
But, you can achieve it with the help of lightGallery events and methods


const $galleryContainer = document.getElementById("gallery-container");

const customControls = `<button type="button" id="lg-toolbar-prev" aria-label="Previous slide" class="lg-toolbar-prev lg-icon">  </button><button type="button" id="lg-toolbar-next" aria-label="Next slide" class="lg-toolbar-next lg-icon">  </button>`;

$galleryContainer.addEventListener("lgInit", (event) => {
  const pluginInstance = event.detail.instance;

  // Note append and find are not jQuery methods
  // These are utility methods provided by lightGallery
  const $toolbar = pluginInstance.outer.find(".lg-toolbar");

  document.getElementById("lg-toolbar-prev").addEventListener("click", () => {
  document.getElementById("lg-toolbar-next").addEventListener("click", () => {

lightGallery($galleryContainer, {
  speed: 500,
  controls: false,
  plugins: [lgZoom]


.lg-toolbar-next:before {
  content: "\e094";
.lg-toolbar-prev:before {
  content: "\e095";

Demo -

Hope it helps

Thanks for that. Did it this way.

    .lg-next {
       top: -38px;
       right: 50%;
       transform: translateX(calc( 50% + 22px));

   .lg-prev {
       top: -38px;
       left: 50%;
       transform: translateX(calc( -50% - 22px ));

Yes, that works if you have only a few icons on the toolbar.

Please check the mobile view and make sure that the icons are not overlaping


Thanks Sachin.
Would appreachiate to use the toggle thumbs option properly in the next Version!



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