sachinchoolur / lightGallery

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Opening the comments should turn off autoplay

multiwebinc opened this issue · comments

When the comments plugin is enabled, the facebook iframe reloads every time the slide changes (I haven't tried with Disqus yet). If autoplay is enabled, the iframe will therefore refresh when it moves to the next slide. I recommend turning off autoplay as soon as the comments box is opened to prevent the user from typing out a comment and having it be erased. Also, it might also be a good idea to disable keyboard navigation as well since the user may accidentally trigger a slide change with the arrow keys.

Edit: Yes, the same thing happens with Disqus as well.

Yes, autoplay might not be idle with comment plugin. You can turn off it by setting autoplay:false via settings.
Similarly, you can turn off the keyborad navigation by setting keyPress:fasle

That's not the point of this bug. I know how to disable these settings. The point is that it should be done automatically when the user opens the comments box even when these settings are enabled.