sachaos / viddy

👀 A modern watch command. Time machine and pager etc.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AUR package out of date

bvobart opened this issue · comments

Hi, I wanted to install viddy through your AUR package, but I noticed it is on v0.3.4-1 instead of the latest v0.3.6. I installed it with Go instead.

Can you fix the AUR package deployments? Thanks!

Great tool btw, very nice replacement for the old-school watch!

Actually, I'm not the maintainer of that.
I would be happy if I could deploy a new version there automatically

Ahh alright, no worries, I hope the maintainer gives you ownership over that some time, then it should be as easy as pushing your updated code to the AUR Git repo.

Just installed from AUR and got the newest version 0.3.6. Think this issue can be closed

Ahh yeah I see the AUR package has been upgraded to version 0.3.6, great! I'll close the issue :)