sabnzbd / sabnzbd

SABnzbd - The automated Usenet download tool

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Prompt for upgrade to 4.2.2 shows after I've upgraded to 4.2.2

dkids opened this issue · comments

SABnzbd version


Operating system

MacOS 14.3

Using Docker image



Upgraded to 4.2.2. Prompted to upgrade 4.2.2. Quit SABnzbd and restarted. Still prompted.

Screenshot at Feb 04 09-54-25
Screenshot at Feb 04 09-54-46

Did you refresh your browser?

Yes. Tried shift+refresh, control+refresh, etc. Prompt for 4.2.2 still shows.

unable to replicate on windows, had 4.2.0rc2 on windows 10 box. enabled checking for new release. restarted.. got prompt for 4.2.2.

2024-02-04 14:42:01,811::INFO::[notifier:137] Sending notification: SABnzbd - SABnzbd 4.2.0RC2 started (type=startup, job_cat=None)
2024-02-04 14:42:01,874::DEBUG::[misc:481] Checked for a new release, cur=4020082, latest=4020299 (on, latest_test=0 (on )
2024-02-04 14:42:01,875::INFO::[notifier:137] Sending notification: Update Available! - SABnzbd 4.2.2 (type=other, job_cat=None)

shutdown. upgraded to 4.2.2. started sab. no prompt about any new version. working as expected.

please provide logs:
click on wrench, set logging level to debug. replicate issue. then click wrench > show logging (to serve up sanitized log+config) and share that so we can see log messages to see the issue your talking about

2024-02-04 07:32:05,290::INFO::[postproc:138] Saving postproc queue
2024-02-04 07:32:05,290::INFO::[downloader:422] Post-processing finished, resuming download
2024-02-04 07:32:09,310::INFO::[nzbqueue:230] Saving queue
2024-02-04 07:32:09,313::INFO::[postproc:138] Saving postproc queue
2024-02-04 07:32:09,314::INFO::[notifier:142] Sending notification: SABnzbd - Queue finished (type=queue_done, job_cat=None)
2024-02-04 09:53:22,657::INFO::[osxmenu:548] [osx] application terminating
2024-02-04 09:53:22,660::INFO::[__init__:436] [N/A] Performing SABnzbd shutdown
2024-02-04 09:53:22,660::INFO::[__init__:353] SABnzbd shutting down...
2024-02-04 09:53:22,660::INFO::[directunpacker:561] Aborting all DirectUnpackers
2024-02-04 09:53:22,660::INFO::[notifier:142] Sending notification: SABnzbd - Shutting down (type=startup, job_cat=None)
2024-02-04 09:53:22,661::INFO::[downloader:653] Shutting down
2024-02-04 09:53:22,661::INFO::[nzbqueue:230] Saving queue
2024-02-04 09:53:22,664::INFO::[postproc:138] Saving postproc queue
2024-02-04 09:53:22,664::INFO::[__init__:422] All processes stopped
2024-02-04 09:53:22,664::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [04/Feb/2024:09:53:22] ENGINE Bus STOPPING
2024-02-04 09:53:22,932::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [04/Feb/2024:09:53:22] ENGINE HTTP Server cherrypy._cpwsgi_server.CPWSGIServer(('', 8085)) shut down
2024-02-04 09:53:22,932::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [04/Feb/2024:09:53:22] ENGINE Bus STOPPED
2024-02-04 09:53:22,933::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [04/Feb/2024:09:53:22] ENGINE Bus EXITING
2024-02-04 09:53:22,933::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [04/Feb/2024:09:53:22] ENGINE Bus EXITED
2024-02-04 09:53:22,933::INFO::[notifier:142] Sending notification: SABnzbd - SABnzbd shutdown finished (type=startup, job_cat=None)
2024-02-04 09:53:22,936::INFO::[SABnzbd:1583] Leaving SABnzbd
2024-02-04 09:53:27,976::INFO::[SABnzbd:1144] --------------------------------
2024-02-04 09:53:27,976::INFO::[SABnzbd:1145]
2024-02-04 09:53:27,976::INFO::[SABnzbd:1155] Commit = <HASH>1430d7718f8ef6f
2024-02-04 09:53:27,976::INFO::[SABnzbd:1157] Full executable path = /Applications/
2024-02-04 09:53:27,976::INFO::[SABnzbd:1158] Arguments = "/Applications/"
2024-02-04 09:53:27,976::INFO::[SABnzbd:1159] Python-version = 3.12.1 (v3.12.1:2305ca5144, Dec  7 2023, 17:23:38) [Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30)]
2024-02-04 09:53:27,976::INFO::[SABnzbd:1160] Dockerized = False
2024-02-04 09:53:27,976::INFO::[SABnzbd:1161] CPU architecture = arm64
2024-02-04 09:53:27,988::INFO::[SABnzbd:1164] Platform = posix - macOS-14.3-arm64-arm-64bit
2024-02-04 09:53:27,988::INFO::[SABnzbd:1170] Preferred encoding = UTF-8
2024-02-04 09:53:27,988::INFO::[SABnzbd:1192] SSL version = OpenSSL 3.0.11 19 Sep 2023
2024-02-04 09:53:27,988::INFO::[SABnzbd:1201] Certifi version = 2023.11.17
2024-02-04 09:53:27,989::INFO::[SABnzbd:1202] Loaded additional certificates from /Applications/
2024-02-04 09:53:27,989::INFO::[SABnzbd:1212] Using INI file /Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Application Support/SABnzbd/sabnzbd.ini
2024-02-04 09:53:28,026::INFO::[postproc:143] Loading postproc queue
2024-02-04 09:53:28,026::INFO::[scheduler:190] Scheduling RSS interval task every 60 min (delay=9)
2024-02-04 09:53:28,026::INFO::[scheduler:200] Scheduling version check in 10 minutes and daily at 21:13
2024-02-04 09:53:28,026::INFO::[scheduler:225] Setting schedule for midnight BPS reset
2024-02-04 09:53:28,027::INFO::[scheduler:234] Setting schedule for midnight server expiration check
2024-02-04 09:53:28,027::INFO::[scheduler:243] Setting schedule for server quota check
2024-02-04 09:53:28,027::INFO::[__init__:323] All processes started
2024-02-04 09:53:28,027::INFO::[SABnzbd:338] Template location for Glitter is /Applications/
2024-02-04 09:53:28,028::INFO::[SABnzbd:338] Template location for Config is /Applications/
2024-02-04 09:53:28,028::INFO::[SABnzbd:423] SABCTools module (v8.1.0)... found!
2024-02-04 09:53:28,028::INFO::[SABnzbd:424] SABCTools module is using SIMD set: NEON
2024-02-04 09:53:28,028::INFO::[SABnzbd:425] SABCTools module is linked to OpenSSL: True
2024-02-04 09:53:28,029::INFO::[SABnzbd:445] Cryptography module (v41.0.7)... found!
2024-02-04 09:53:28,029::INFO::[SABnzbd:451] par2 binary... found (/Applications/
2024-02-04 09:53:28,029::INFO::[SABnzbd:458] UNRAR binary... found (/Applications/
2024-02-04 09:53:28,029::INFO::[SABnzbd:473] 7za binary... found (/Applications/
2024-02-04 09:53:28,029::INFO::[SABnzbd:481] nice binary... found (/usr/bin/nice)
2024-02-04 09:53:28,029::INFO::[SABnzbd:487] ionice binary... NOT found!
2024-02-04 09:53:28,029::INFO::[SABnzbd:1399] Starting web-interface on
2024-02-04 09:53:28,030::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [04/Feb/2024:09:53:28] ENGINE Bus STARTING
2024-02-04 09:53:28,137::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [04/Feb/2024:09:53:28] ENGINE Serving on
2024-02-04 09:53:28,137::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [04/Feb/2024:09:53:28] ENGINE Bus STARTED
2024-02-04 09:53:28,137::INFO::[SABnzbd:1444] Starting
2024-02-04 09:53:28,140::INFO::[dirscanner:111] Dirscanner starting up
2024-02-04 09:53:28,142::INFO::[notifier:142] Sending notification: SABnzbd - SABnzbd 4.2.2 started (type=startup, job_cat=None)
2024-02-04 09:53:28,451::INFO::[database:580] Scheduled history purge
2024-02-04 14:33:24,011::INFO::[happyeyeballs:169] Quickest IP address for (port=443, IPv4-only): (
__version__ = 19
__encoding__ = utf-8
win_menu = 1
queue_complete = ""
https_port = ""
folder_rename = 1
password_file = ""
movie_rename_limit = 100M
ionice = ""
https_key = server.key
cleanup_list = ,
notified_new_skin = 2
rating_filter_enable = 0
cache_limit = 1G
rating_enable = 1
fail_hopeless_jobs = 1
par_option = ""
web_color = Auto
inet_exposure = 4
enable_recursive = 1
selftest_host =
pre_check = 1
replace_spaces = 0
host_whitelist = macmedia.local,
dirscan_speed = 5
enable_filejoin = 1
api_key = <HASH>b156123
no_penalties = 0
load_balancing = 2
rating_filter_abort_video = 0
osx_speed = 1
dirscan_dir = Downloads
disable_api_key = 0
quota_period = m
overwrite_files = 0
enable_7zip = 1
rating_filter_pause_audio = 0
rss_filenames = 0
password = <REMOVED>
permissions = ""
check_new_rel = 1
ssl_ciphers = ""
auto_disconnect = 1
use_pickle = 0
quota_size = ""
warn_empty_nzb = 1
movie_extra_folder = 0
history_limit = 10
rating_filter_pause_encrypted_confirm = 0
enable_all_par = 0
enable_https_verification = 1
replace_dots = 0
win_process_prio = 3
ipv6_hosting = 0
series_propercheck = 1
enable_bonjour = 1
movie_sort_extra = -cd%1
https_chain = ""
warned_old_queue = 10
enable_unzip = 1
download_free = ""
port = 8085
email_dir = ""
wait_ext_drive = 5
pre_script = None
ipv6_servers = 1
quick_check_ext_ignore = nfo, sfv, srr
enable_date_sorting = 0
email_full = 0
enable_tsjoin = 1
log_dir = logs
rating_filter_pause_encrypted = 0
queue_limit = 20
admin_dir = admin
nzb_backup_dir = ""
tv_sort_countries = 1
date_categories = tv,
ignore_empty_files = 0
osx_menu = 1
show_sysload = 2
no_dupes = 0
date_sort_string = ""
schedlines = ,
host =
ignore_unrar_dates = 0
rating_filter_pause_video = 0
ignore_samples = 0
sanitize_safe = 0
req_completion_rate = 100.2
language = en
movie_sort_string = ""
rating_filter_pause_spam_confirm = 0
multipar = 0
html_login = 1
direct_unpack_tested = 1
api_logging = 1
pause_on_post_processing = 0
debug_log_decoding = 0
allow_incomplete_nzb = 0
rating_filter_abort_keywords = ""
enable_unrar = 1
enable_meta = 1
direct_unpack = 0
url_base = /sabnzbd
email_account = <REMOVED>
email_server = ""
converted_nzo_pickles = 1
config_lock = 0
quota_resume = 0
api_warnings = 1
wait_for_dfolder = 0
tv_sort_string = ""
rating_filter_abort_encrypted = 0
rating_filter_pause_keywords = ""
warn_dupl_jobs = 1
username = <REMOVED>
email_rss = 0
no_series_dupes = 0
propagation_delay = 0
download_dir = /Volumes/Movies/SabNZB/IncompleteUsenet
size_limit = 0
enable_par_cleanup = 1
safe_postproc = 1
new_nzb_on_failure = 0
nzb_key = <HASH>f5df747
complete_dir = /Volumes/Movies/SabNZB
x_frame_options = 1
rating_filter_pause_downvoted = 0
replace_illegal = 1
rating_filter_abort_audio = 0
nomedia_marker = ""
max_art_opt = 0
rating_filter_abort_encrypted_confirm = 0
quota_day = ""
bandwidth_max = 500M
local_ranges = ,
enable_https = 0
email_to = <REMOVED>
direct_unpack_threads = 3
sfv_check = 1
keep_awake = 1
top_only = 0
auto_browser = 0
email_from = <REMOVED>
unwanted_extensions = ,
max_art_tries = 3
rating_filter_abort_spam_confirm = 0
email_endjob = 0
movie_categories = movies,
tv_categories = ,
rss_odd_titles =,,
pause_on_pwrar = 1
rating_filter_pause_spam = 0
backup_for_duplicates = 1
fixed_ports = 1
rss_rate = 60
refresh_rate = 1
sched_converted = 2
history_retention = 0
rating_filter_abort_downvoted = 0
script_can_fail = 0
script_dir = ""
bandwidth_perc = 100
email_pwd = <REMOVED>
empty_postproc = 0
ignore_wrong_unrar = 0
email_cats = *,
nice = ""
rating_host = ""
enable_movie_sorting = 0
https_cert = server.cert
max_url_retries = 10
fsys_type = 0
action_on_unwanted_extensions = 0
rating_api_key = <HASH>f5df74
reject_duplicate_files = 0
flat_unpack = 0
auto_sort = ""
ampm = 0
rating_filter_abort_spam = 0
start_paused = 0
web_dir = Glitter
folder_max_length = 256
enable_tv_sorting = 0
queue_complete_pers = 0
require_modern_tls = 0
fast_fail = 1
num_decoders = 3
deobfuscate_final_filenames = 1
helpfull_warnings = 1
max_foldername_length = 246
complete_free = ""
fulldisk_autoresume = 0
downloader_sleep_time = 10
ssdp_broadcast_interval = 15
interface_settings = ""
enable_broadcast = 1
unwanted_extensions_mode = 0
process_unpacked_par2 = 1
episode_rename_limit = 20M
preserve_paused_state = 0
helpful_warnings = 1
allow_old_ssl_tls = 0
socks5_proxy_url = ""
num_simd_decoders = 2
ext_rename_ignore = ,
backup_dir = ""
replace_underscores = 0
tray_icon = 1
sorters_converted = 1
enable_season_sorting = 1
receive_threads = 2
switchinterval = 0.005
max_log_size = 5242880
log_level = 1
log_backups = 5
ncenter_prio_download = 0
ncenter_prio_warning = 0
ncenter_cats = *,
ncenter_prio_new_login = 0
ncenter_prio_queue_done = 1
ncenter_prio_startup = 1
ncenter_prio_failed = 1
ncenter_prio_disk_full = 1
ncenter_prio_error = 0
ncenter_enable = 1
ncenter_prio_complete = 1
ncenter_prio_pp = 0
ncenter_prio_other = 0
ncenter_prio_pause_resume = 0
nscript_cats = *,
nscript_prio_complete = 1
nscript_prio_other = 0
nscript_prio_warning = 0
nscript_prio_queue_done = 1
nscript_prio_failed = 1
nscript_prio_pp = 0
nscript_prio_new_login = 0
nscript_script = ""
nscript_prio_download = 0
nscript_prio_error = 0
nscript_prio_startup = 1
nscript_parameters = ""
nscript_enable = 0
nscript_prio_disk_full = 1
nscript_prio_pause_resume = 0
pushover_prio_error = 1
pushover_enable = 0
pushover_cats = *,
pushover_prio_new_login = -3
pushover_prio_complete = -1
pushover_prio_warning = 1
pushover_prio_startup = -3
pushover_prio_queue_done = -1
pushover_prio_other = -3
pushover_prio_disk_full = 1
pushover_prio_pp = -3
pushover_emergency_expire = 3600
pushover_device = ""
pushover_token = <REMOVED>
pushover_emergency_retry = 60
pushover_prio_failed = -1
pushover_prio_download = -2
pushover_userkey = <REMOVED>
pushover_prio_pause_resume = -2
growl_prio_disk_full = 1
growl_enable = 0
growl_prio_new_login = 0
growl_prio_other = 0
growl_prio_download = 0
growl_server = <REMOVED>
growl_prio_startup = 1
growl_prio_failed = 1
growl_prio_queue_done = 1
growl_prio_warning = 0
growl_prio_error = 0
growl_prio_complete = 1
growl_cats = *,
growl_prio_pp = 0
growl_password = <REMOVED>
prowl_prio_disk_full = 1
prowl_prio_error = -3
prowl_prio_download = -3
prowl_apikey = <REMOVED>
prowl_prio_failed = 1
prowl_prio_pp = -3
prowl_cats = *,
prowl_prio_new_login = -3
prowl_enable = 0
prowl_prio_startup = -3
prowl_prio_warning = -3
prowl_prio_other = -3
prowl_prio_complete = 0
prowl_prio_queue_done = 0
prowl_prio_pause_resume = -3
acenter_prio_warning = 0
acenter_prio_disk_full = 1
acenter_prio_new_login = 0
acenter_cats = *,
acenter_prio_startup = 0
acenter_prio_download = 0
acenter_prio_error = 0
acenter_prio_queue_done = 1
acenter_enable = 0
acenter_prio_failed = 1
acenter_prio_complete = 1
acenter_prio_pp = 0
acenter_prio_other = 0
acenter_prio_pause_resume = 0
ntfosd_prio_queue_done = 1
ntfosd_enable = 0
ntfosd_cats = *,
ntfosd_prio_error = 0
ntfosd_prio_startup = 1
ntfosd_prio_complete = 1
ntfosd_prio_pp = 0
ntfosd_prio_warning = 0
ntfosd_prio_other = 0
ntfosd_prio_disk_full = 1
ntfosd_prio_new_login = 0
ntfosd_prio_download = 0
ntfosd_prio_failed = 1
ntfosd_prio_pause_resume = 0
pushbullet_prio_error = 0
pushbullet_prio_download = 0
pushbullet_prio_queue_done = 0
pushbullet_cats = *,
pushbullet_prio_complete = 1
pushbullet_enable = 0
pushbullet_device = ""
pushbullet_prio_failed = 1
pushbullet_prio_other = 0
pushbullet_apikey = <REMOVED>
pushbullet_prio_disk_full = 1
pushbullet_prio_new_login = 0
pushbullet_prio_pp = 0
pushbullet_prio_startup = 0
pushbullet_prio_warning = 0
pushbullet_prio_pause_resume = 0
name =
displayname =
host =
port = 119
timeout = 60
username = <REMOVED>
password = <REMOVED>
connections = 8
ssl = 0
ssl_verify = 2
ssl_ciphers = ""
enable = 0
required = 0
optional = 0
retention = 0
expire_date = ""
quota = ""
usage_at_start = 0
send_group = 0
priority = 1
notes = ""
name =
displayname =
host =
port = 119
timeout = 60
username = <REMOVED>
password = <REMOVED>
connections = 10
ssl = 0
ssl_verify = 2
ssl_ciphers = ""
enable = 0
required = 0
optional = 0
retention = 0
expire_date = ""
quota = ""
usage_at_start = 0
send_group = 0
priority = 0
notes = ""
name =
displayname =
host =
port = 563
timeout = 60
username = <REMOVED>
password = <REMOVED>
connections = 20
ssl = 1
ssl_verify = 2
ssl_ciphers = ""
enable = 1
required = 0
optional = 0
retention = 0
expire_date = ""
quota = ""
usage_at_start = 0
send_group = 0
priority = 1
notes = Block
name =
displayname =
host =
port = 119
timeout = 60
username = <REMOVED>
password = <REMOVED>
connections = 40
ssl = 0
ssl_verify = 2
ssl_ciphers = ""
enable = 0
required = 0
optional = 0
retention = 0
expire_date = ""
quota = ""
usage_at_start = 0
send_group = 0
priority = 1
notes = ""
name =
displayname =
host =
port = 119
timeout = 60
username = <REMOVED>
password = <REMOVED>
connections = 8
ssl = 0
ssl_verify = 2
ssl_ciphers = ""
enable = 0
required = 0
optional = 0
retention = 0
expire_date = ""
quota = ""
usage_at_start = 0
send_group = 0
priority = 0
notes = ""
name =
displayname =
host =
port = 443
timeout = 60
username = <REMOVED>
password = <REMOVED>
connections = 30
ssl = 1
ssl_verify = 2
ssl_ciphers = ""
enable = 0
required = 0
optional = 0
retention = 0
expire_date = ""
quota = ""
usage_at_start = 0
send_group = 0
priority = 1
notes = ""
name =
displayname =
host =
port = 563
timeout = 60
username = <REMOVED>
password = <REMOVED>
connections = 48
ssl = 1
ssl_verify = 2
ssl_ciphers = ""
enable = 1
required = 0
optional = 0
retention = 0
expire_date = ""
quota = ""
usage_at_start = 0
send_group = 0
priority = 0
notes = ""
name = software
order = 0
pp = ""
script = Default
dir = ""
newzbin = ""
priority = -100
name = *
order = 0
pp = 3
script = Default
dir = ""
newzbin = ""
priority = 0
name = tv
order = 0
pp = ""
script = Default
dir = TV
newzbin = ""
priority = -100
name = movies
order = 0
pp = ""
script = Default
dir = Movies
newzbin = ""
priority = -100
name = books
order = 0
pp = ""
script = Default
dir = Books
newzbin = ""
priority = -100
name = music
order = 0
pp = ""
script = Default
dir = Music
newzbin = ""
priority = -100
name = 4kmovies
order = 0
pp = ""
script = Default
dir = /Volumes/Movies/SabNZB/4kmovies
newzbin = ""
priority = -100
name = 4ktv
order = 0
pp = ""
script = Default
dir = 4ktv
newzbin = ""
priority = -100
name = prowlarr
order = 0
pp = ""
script = Default
dir = Prowlarr
newzbin = ""
priority = -100
name = readarr
order = 0
pp = ""
script = Default
dir = Readarr
newzbin = ""
priority = -100

Could you click Show Logging again, the update check is only performed 10 min after startup.

It clearly says that it will check version in 10 minutes and at 21:13 ... but it doesn't.

Relevant section of log:

2024-02-04 09:53:28,026::INFO::[scheduler:200] Scheduling version check in 10 minutes and daily at 21:13
2024-02-04 09:53:28,026::INFO::[scheduler:225] Setting schedule for midnight BPS reset
2024-02-04 09:53:28,027::INFO::[scheduler:234] Setting schedule for midnight server expiration check
2024-02-04 09:53:28,027::INFO::[scheduler:243] Setting schedule for server quota check
2024-02-04 09:53:28,027::INFO::[init:323] All processes started
2024-02-04 09:53:28,027::INFO::[SABnzbd:338] Template location for Glitter is /Applications/
2024-02-04 09:53:28,028::INFO::[SABnzbd:338] Template location for Config is /Applications/
2024-02-04 09:53:28,028::INFO::[SABnzbd:423] SABCTools module (v8.1.0)... found!
2024-02-04 09:53:28,028::INFO::[SABnzbd:424] SABCTools module is using SIMD set: NEON
2024-02-04 09:53:28,028::INFO::[SABnzbd:425] SABCTools module is linked to OpenSSL: True
2024-02-04 09:53:28,029::INFO::[SABnzbd:445] Cryptography module (v41.0.7)... found!
2024-02-04 09:53:28,029::INFO::[SABnzbd:451] par2 binary... found (/Applications/
2024-02-04 09:53:28,029::INFO::[SABnzbd:458] UNRAR binary... found (/Applications/
2024-02-04 09:53:28,029::INFO::[SABnzbd:473] 7za binary... found (/Applications/
2024-02-04 09:53:28,029::INFO::[SABnzbd:481] nice binary... found (/usr/bin/nice)
2024-02-04 09:53:28,029::INFO::[SABnzbd:487] ionice binary... NOT found!
2024-02-04 09:53:28,029::INFO::[SABnzbd:1399] Starting web-interface on
2024-02-04 09:53:28,030::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [04/Feb/2024:09:53:28] ENGINE Bus STARTING
2024-02-04 09:53:28,137::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [04/Feb/2024:09:53:28] ENGINE Serving on
2024-02-04 09:53:28,137::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [04/Feb/2024:09:53:28] ENGINE Bus STARTED
2024-02-04 09:53:28,137::INFO::[SABnzbd:1444] Starting
2024-02-04 09:53:28,140::INFO::[dirscanner:111] Dirscanner starting up
2024-02-04 09:53:28,142::INFO::[notifier:142] Sending notification: SABnzbd - SABnzbd 4.2.2 started (type=startup, job_cat=None)
2024-02-04 09:53:28,451::INFO::[database:580] Scheduled history purge
2024-02-04 14:33:24,011::INFO::[happyeyeballs:169] Quickest IP address for (port=443, IPv4-only): (
2024-02-04 21:27:02,921::INFO::[nzbparser:87] Attempting to add Bangles-Greatest Hits-CD-FLAC-1990-PERFECT.nzb

Actually, I don't know if it checks version or not. I assume it doesn't. What it doesn't do is log the version check or turn off the "update available" message.

The update available message isn't activated untill the check is done. The value of the variable is empty. There's no caching of the last check result..

It clearly says that it will check version in 10 minutes and at 21:13 ... but it doesn't.

You must set SAB logging to +Debug. You now have the default INFO.

And then you should see:

DEBUG ... Checked for a new release ...

Actual example from my own system:

2024-02-05 22:33:05,538::DEBUG::[misc:507] Checked for a new release, cur=4030099, latest=4020299 (on, latest_test=0 (on )

or in bad cases:

Checked for a new release,

Cannot retrieve version information
... but you should not see those because you get that new version message.

Went away.