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Hidden History for duplicate detection (Archive)

Safihre opened this issue · comments


Add a way to remove jobs while still preserving enough information for duplicate detection.
This way users can have a clean history, but duplicate detecton can still do it's job.
The 'hidden' history could be shown through an additional filter/button if users still want to clear it.
As things are stored in an SQLite database, performance isn't really an issue.

nzbget already implements this. When deleting a file it asks how exactly you want to delete it, with/without preserving enough attributes to still be able to perform duplicate detection.

Often suggested by @thezoggy.

Additional it's so users can keep history and have apps like sonarr/radarr hide things that it's imported so it doesn't show up on API so things work better at scale. This is a common request from those coming from nzbget which are used to that behavior, *arr apps only get last 60 history items for the category with sab to have a fixed amount of things to look at. which is why they by default recommend removing completed/failed items so it does allow things they haven't looked at to get outside that view.. so if we added similar behavior then ideally those apps would just hide after import to keep it for dupe detection/stats/whatever and expire it out on sab side at some point if they want or not.

So these programs would still be configured to remove completed, but instead of removing they would archive?

Yes that would prob the desired option, so things that they process get archive when they say to remove from sab history. So that way they dont show up on the api/hidden in the gui. That way they arent looking at stuff they already processed let alone the large api response from sab to genearte/send it each time. The other use case is users that want to keep the history for dupe check but dont want it cluttering their ui.

some quick thoughts;

  • Add option for api to include archive in history output (example: app like lunasea/nzb360 where they can pass additional option to show it).

  • In history, being able to toggle archive or not state for an item

  • In history, being able to show archive or not.. similar to failed?

  • In history, being able to filter/search for them

This actually should be called 'Archive', like is common in email apps.

Sweet, will have to check out. Already been enjoying the modal addition on removal.