sabberworm / jStarbox

jQuery Starbox clone

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Rating determines the color of the starts. - Possible?

Ooops-404 opened this issue · comments


First I'd like to thank you for your great work! love this.
Unfortunately, I am unsure if I ca do what I would like to...

Here's what I am lookign for.
Rating: 1-5 stars

If the rating is 1 then the star is red, if the rating is 2-3 then the star is yellow, but if the rating is between 4-5 then all the stars are green.

Is this possible?

Yes, you should be able to do that. I’ve prepared an example for you:

If you also want to show the colors while the user is hovering, the logic and the CSS gets a bit more complicated but should also be possible.

I thought this had to be done at the js level. There's no way to control wach star, is there?

What do you mean?

i meant control each star.
Like this.

Lets say I have 5 stars.
If the rating is 2 then the first two stars are red.
If the rating is 4 then the first two stars are red, the following 2 are orange
If the rating is five, start 1-2 are red, 3-4 orange and the 5th is green.

Well you can do it with a gradient (or with multiple backgrounds) but only if you hard-code the stars’ size in CSS (because the gradient width changes). See

Damn, I tried with the gradient but had no luck myself. You're too good at this!

This was my attempt
.starbox .colorbar {
background: #e4491f; /* Old browsers /
background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #e4491f 0%, #e4491f 20%, #e8c01f 20%, #e8c01f 80%, #0db04a 80%, #0db04a 100%); /
FF3.6-15 /
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #e4491f 0%,#e4491f 20%,#e8c01f 20%,#e8c01f 80%,#0db04a 80%,#0db04a 100%); /
Chrome10-25,Safari5.1-6 /
background: linear-gradient(to right, #e4491f 0%,#e4491f 20%,#e8c01f 20%,#e8c01f 80%,#0db04a 80%,#0db04a 100%); /
W3C, IE10+, FF16+, Chrome26+, Opera12+, Safari7+ /
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#e4491f', endColorstr='#0db04a',GradientType=1 ); /
IE6-9 */

What happened is that the gradient would only work for a specific rating, say 0.8, then if the rating was to be updated to 0.5 the gradient would fail.

I must be doing something wrong.. because i tried to use your code on my site, and no luck.

Here's what I have.

<div class="starbox ghosting text-center" data-button-count="5" data-start-value="0.2" > </div>

<script type="text/javascript"> <!--//--><![CDATA[//><!-- jQuery(function() { jQuery('.starbox').each(function() { var starbox = jQuery(this); starbox.starbox({ ghosting: starbox.hasClass('ghosting'), average: 0.8, buttons: starbox.hasClass('smooth') ? false : starbox.attr('data-button-count') || 5, stars: starbox.attr('data-star-count') || 5 }) }); }); //--><!]]> </script>

#starbox[data-stars="0.2"] .colorbar { background-color: yellow; } #starbox[data-stars="0.8"] .colorbar, #starbox[data-stars="1"] .colorbar { background-color: green; }

The CSS is at the bottom of jstarbox.css

Look at the jsFiddle JS section where I set the data-stars attribute in the starbox-value-changed event listener.

So my problem is somewhere in here?

var initial = 1; var starbox = jQuery(this); starbox.starbox({ ghosting: starbox.hasClass('ghosting'), average: initial, buttons: starbox.hasClass('smooth') ? false : starbox.attr('data-button-count') || 5, stars: starbox.attr('data-star-count') || 5

I chanhed the average to initial, which effectively gives control to that variable.
but still can't make it so the colors change according to that value.

So, to reiterate: the gradient version works without additional JS code but the version where you write out a data-stars attribute which you can select in CSS needs the following additional starbox-value-changed handler:

starbox.on('starbox-value-changed', function(event, stars) {
    starbox.attr('data-stars', stars);

So now it looks like this:
What am I missing? i see no errors in the console...

<div class="starbox ghosting text-center" data-button-count="5" data-start-value="0.2" > </div>

<script type="text/javascript"> <!--//--><![CDATA[//><!-- jQuery(function() { jQuery('.starbox').each(function() { var initial = 0.2; var starbox = jQuery(this); starbox.on('starbox-value-changed', function(event, stars) { starbox.attr('data-stars', stars); }); starbox.starbox({ ghosting: starbox.hasClass('ghosting'), average: initial, buttons: starbox.hasClass('smooth') ? false : starbox.attr('data-button-count') || 5, stars: starbox.attr('data-star-count') || 5 }) }); }); //--><!]]> </script>

#starbox[data-stars="0.2"] .colorbar { background-color: yellow; } #starbox[data-stars="0.8"] .colorbar, #starbox[data-stars="1"] .colorbar { background-color: green; }

Your starbox does not have the starbox ID. Either change your selector in CSS (i.e. use .starbox instead of #starbox) to match or update your HTML to include the ID.

Updated the HTML.
Still no luck.

<div id="starbox" class="starbox ghosting text-center" data-button-count="5"> </div>

I hate myself right now.

Can you use the elements inspector of your browser to see whether the data-stars attribute is set on the #starbox element after clicking on the stars?

Maybe the issue is that I don't intent for those stars to be updated by the users.
At the moment I only want to show the rating pulling the rating from a DB record.

Does that change anything?

In that case I wouldn’t include the JS at all. Only include the CSS and generate the following HTML structure:

<div data-stars="0.4" class="starbox">
  <div class="positioner">
    <div class="stars">
      <div style="width: 40%;" class="colorbar"></div>
      <div class="star_holder">
        <div class="star star-0"></div><div class="star star-1"></div><div class="star star-2"></div><div class="star star-3"></div><div class="star star-4"></div>

And make sure you set the inline width of the .colorbar div to the appropriate calculated value ((«rating»/5 * 100) + '%', e.g. 4 stars = 80%) wherever you render your HTML (either server-side or client-side). «rating» would be the value from your DB, of course.

If you want the solution without the gradient but with selecting the data-stars attribute, also set that the same way (but don’t add '%' and don’t multiply by 100; e.g. 4 stars = 0.8, but you could also just leave off the habit of jStarbox of using percentages/fractions for storing the rating and just write the actual value and select the same in the CSS).

I can't get it to work..
I even deleted the default value from the jstarbox.js , but still no luck.

I can see that when I change the <div style="width: 40%;" , so changes the background in the stars, problem is.. when I have <div data-stars="0.1", accoding to the CSs below, the background should be red.. but it still uses the default value instead (black).

.starbox .colorbar {
background: #000;
#starbox[data-stars="0.2"] .colorbar {
background-color: red;
#starbox[data-stars="0.2"] .colorbar {
background-color: yellow;
#starbox[data-stars="0.8"] .colorbar,
#starbox[data-stars="1"] .colorbar {
background-color: green;

On 05.09.2016, at 17:47, Error404 wrote:

I can't get it to work..
I even deleted the default value from the jstarbox.js , but still no luck.

I can see that when I change the <div style="width: 40%;" , so changes the background in the stars, problem is.. when I have <div data-stars="0.1", accoding to the CSs below, the background should be red.. but it still uses the default value instead (black).

.starbox .colorbar {
background: #000;
#starbox[data-stars="0.2"] .colorbar {
background-color: red;
#starbox[data-stars="0.2"] .colorbar {
background-color: yellow;
#starbox[data-stars="0.8"] .colorbar,
#starbox[data-stars="1"] .colorbar {
background-color: green;

I think you can remove the ID again from the selector

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That worked, but now fractional number don't work...
Am I doing something wrong?

On 05.09.2016, at 18:03, Error404 wrote:

That worked, but now fractional number don't work...
Am I doing something wrong?

I can’t tell if I don’t know what your HTML and CSS code is.

On 05.09.2016, at 18:03, Error404 wrote:

That worked, but now fractional number don't work...

Maybe don’t use the fractional numbers. You can just as well use the star count.

Fractional is what lead me here :)

Anyway I can send you my fileS?

On 05.09.2016, at 18:12, Error404 wrote:

Anyway I can send you my fileS?

Just create your own JSFiddle with the necessary parts of your HTML and CSS.