sabberworm / PHP-CSS-Parser

A Parser for CSS Files written in PHP. Allows extraction of CSS files into a data structure, manipulation of said structure and output as (optimized) CSS

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Discussion: Deprecation policy?

oliverklee opened this issue · comments

I probably would like to split up some methods to better adhere to the single-responsibility principle, and to reduce the number of variables/parameters/return values that mix multiple types.

@sabberworm What's your deprecation policy for this?
a) mark the old method as @deprecated, have (at least) one more minor version release, and remove it in the next major release (e.g., release 8.4.0 with the deprecation, and remove it in 9.0)
b) mark the old method as @deprecated, have (at least) one more minor version release, and remove it in the major after the next major release (e.g,. release 8.4.0 with the deprecation, and remove it in 10.0)