saalfeldlab / ntakt

Kotlin extension functions for imglib2. Preliminary name.

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The nta.kt library brings n-dimensional transformation and algebra to Kotlin! It combines the expressive power and flexibility of the Java image processing library ImgLib2 with the convenience and clarity that Kotlin language features provide. Internally, nta.kt uses Kotlin extension functions to overload operators, add infix functions, and other conveniences that would not be possible in Java. The result is a very concise and intuitive syntax comparable to what developers are familiar with from other scientific computing libraries such as NumPy or Julia. For example, this is the Java code to multiply two images in ImgLib2:

// populate data
final var img1 = ArrayImgs.doubles(2, 3);
Views.iterable(img1).forEach(p -> p.setReal(0.1));
final var img2 = ArrayImgs.longs(2, 3);
final var cursor = Views.flatIterable(img2).cursor();
for (int i = 1; cursor.hasNext(); ++i);

// multiply images
final var img3 = Converters.convert(
        (t, u, v) -> { v.setReal(u.getRealDouble()); v.mul(t); },
        new DoubleType());

This is the equivalent in nta.kt:

// populate data
val img1 = ntakt.doubles(2L, 3L) { 0.1 }
val img2 = ntakt.longs(2L, 3L) { it + 1L }
// multiply images
val img3 = img1 * img2
img3.flatIterable.forEach { println(it) }

In both cases, the output is


Motivation & Core Concepts

ImgLib2 is designed and takes careful measures to be flexible and as efficient as possible on the JVM. For newcomers or people who transition from other languages and libraries such as Python's NumPy, writing efficient code with ImgLib2 may not be intuitive or obvious. For example, a NumPy user may add a two arrays like this:

arr1 = ...
arr2 = ...
arr3 = arr1 + arr2

In ImgLib2, one way to add two RandomAccessibleIntervals (RAI; ImgLib2 "images"), is to create a converted view of the two images that calculates the sum at each pixel on demand:

final RandomAccessibleInterval<IntType> rai1 = ...;
final RandomAccessibleInterval<IntType> rai2 = ...;
final RandomAccessibleInterval<IntType> rai3 = Converters.convert(rai1, rai2, (r1, r2, r3) -> { r3.set(r1); r3.add(r2); }, new IntType());

Note: This is by no means a comparison between NumPy and ImgLib2.

We created nta.kt to make ImgLib2 more convenient to use and accessible while maintaining its flexibility and efficiency. We picked Kotlin as a language because

  • operators can be overloaded, e.g. +, -, *, /, for artbitrary types,
  • ImgLib2 interfaces can be extended with Kotlin extension functions without the need for new wrapper classes, and
  • Kotlin code is compiled to the Java bytecode. When a user's needs cannot be met completely by nta.kt, they can always implement the missing parts using ImgLib2 in Kotlin.

Core Concepts

Kotlin extension functions allow us to easily add new features and convenience methods to existing interfaces and classes. For example,

fun String.hello() = "Hello, $this!"


Hello, nta.kt!

to the console. Similarly, nta.kt extends ImgLib2 interfaces. Many of the extensions exist already inside ImgLib2 core in namespace classes like Views or Converters but interface or class methods (and extension functions) are more accessible through the auto-completion of any modern IDE. For example, the Java code

final var rai = ...
Converters.convert(rai, ...)

translates to

val rai = ...

in nta.kt. In combination with operator overloading, nta.kt adds arithmetic operators to existing ImgLib2 interfaces, e.g.

val rai1: RAI<DoubleType> = ...
val rai2: RAI<DoubleType> = ...
val rai3 = rai1 + rai2
val rai4 = rai3 / 3.14

ntai.kt adds operators for +, -, *, and /. The notebooks provide more detailed examples.

Extension Functions

Nta.kt adds convenience to ImgLib2 data structures with extension functions. The following sections will cover extension functions that shared among the following data structures (package names omitted):

  • RandomAccessible
  • RandomAccessibleInterval
  • RealRandomAccessible
  • RealRandomAccessiblerealInterval

There are a few extension functions that are specific to some of the data structures.


Converters are probably the most fundamental and important extension. This extension exposes the static convenience methods of the ImgLib2 Converters class as extensions that can be called directly on class instances. Converters are very powerful because they transform the values of a data structure (or of a pair of data structures) into arbitrary values as defined by the caller without allocating any memory. The value at each pixel/voxel is computed on demand when accessed. Other names for this evaluation pattern are lazy or view:

val rai = ntakt.doubles(1L, 2L, 3L) { Random.nextDouble(0.0, 1.0) }
val scaledAndQuantizedRai = rai.convert(ntakt.types.unsignedByte) { s, t -> t.setInteger(round(255.0 * s.realDouble).toInt()) }

val rra1 = ntakt.function(2, { ntakt.types.float }) { p, t -> t.setReal(abs(p.getDoublePosition(0)) + abs(p.getDoublePosition(1))) }
val rra2 = ntakt.function(2, { ntakt.types.double }) { p, t -> t.setReal(sqrt(p.getDoublePosition(0).pow(2.0) + p.getDoublePosition(1).pow(2.0))) }
val meanRra = rra1.convert(rra2, ntakt.types.double) { s, t, u -> u.setReal(s.realDouble); u.add(t); u.mul(0.5) }

Note that for expensive operations, it may be beneficial to persist/materialize views to avoid repeated execution of the expensive operation. Many of the other convenience functions are implemented as converters, e.g. the arithmetic operators.

Other Convenience Functions



As an extension library for ImgLib2, nta.kt relies on ImgLib2's type system. ImgLib2 has a type hierarchy of complex, real, and integer (signed and unsigned) types that are named after their primitive type equivalents followed by Type and prefixed with Unsigned if applicable. Type names follow CamelCase convention, e.g. UnsignedByteType. These types are used frequently, e.g. to convert a RandomAccessible from FloatType to DoubleType, and can be conveniently created with the properties in the ntakt.types object, e.g. ntakt.types.unsignedByte. Types can also be created with aliases that specify the type (int, uint, float, complex) and the size in number of bits, e.g. uint8, similar to what is used in other popular libraries like NumPy:

ImgLib2 Type in ntakt.types Alias
byteType int8
shortType int16
intType int32
longType int64
unsignedByteType uint8
unsignedShortType uint16
unsignedIntType uint32
unsignedLongType uint64
floatType float32
doubleType float64
complexFloatType complex64
complexDoubleType complex128

ImgLib2 is interface driven and a RandomAccessibleInterval can be backed by arbitrary data or even completely virtual. The ArrayImg is one of the most straight forward ways to expose data as a RandomAccessibleInterval. It is typically backed by Java primitive type arrays, but it can also read data from other backends like Java buffers. ArrayImgs can be conveniently created for many ImgLib2 types including the ones listed above. Naming of these convenience functions follows the conventions in the ntakt.types object, e.g.

import org.ntakt.*
val data1 = ntakt.unsignedShorts(30, 40, 50)
// with initialization:
val data2 = ntakt.doubles(30, 40, 50) { 1.0 / it }

or with type aliases

import org.ntakt.*
val data1 = ntakt.uint16s(30, 40, 50)
// with initialization:
val data2 = ntakt.float64s(30, 40, 50) { 1.0 / it }
Arithmetic Operators

Operator overloading is possible for arithmetic operations (+-*/) on

  1. ImgLib2 data structures and primitive types and generic types with the same bounds as the data structure
  2. Pairs of ImgLib2 data structures if
    1. Both data structures have the exact same generic bounds T. The return type is T.
    2. The generic type is any of ntakt.types.realTypes for each of the data structures. The return type is defined in the table below.
    3. As (ii) but the types are specified with star projection (RealType<*>) or as mixed generic bounds. The return type is RealType<*>. Will throw an error if the type for either data structure is RealType<*> that does not fulfil these criteria.

The following table specifies the output types for (2.ii) and (2.iii) for all arithmetic operations (+-*/).

T/U ByteType ShortType IntType LongType UnsignedByteType UnsignedShortType UnsignedIntType UnsignedLongType FloatType DoubleType
ByteType ByteType ShortType IntType LongType ShortType IntType LongType LongType FloatType DoubleType
ShortType ShortType ShortType IntType LongType ShortType IntType LongType LongType FloatType DoubleType
IntType IntType IntType IntType LongType IntType IntType LongType LongType FloatType DoubleType
LongType LongType LongType LongType LongType LongType LongType LongType LongType FloatType DoubleType
UnsignedByteType ShortType ShortType IntType LongType UnsignedByteType UnsignedShortType UnsignedIntType UnsignedLongType FloatType DoubleType
UnsignedShortType IntType IntType IntType LongType UnsignedShortType UnsignedShortType UnsignedIntType UnsignedLongType FloatType DoubleType
UnsignedIntType LongType LongType LongType LongType UnsignedIntType UnsignedIntType UnsignedIntType UnsignedLongType FloatType DoubleType
UnsignedLongType LongType LongType LongType LongType UnsignedLongType UnsignedLongType UnsignedLongType UnsignedLongType FloatType DoubleType
FloatType FloatType FloatType FloatType FloatType FloatType FloatType FloatType FloatType FloatType DoubleType
DoubleType DoubleType DoubleType DoubleType DoubleType DoubleType DoubleType DoubleType DoubleType DoubleType DoubleType

Data Structure Specific Extensions


Indexed Access Operators

Voxel Access

Individual voxels of RandomAccessible (and by extension RandomAccessibleInterval) instances can be accessed via the [] operator that is overloaded for vararg Int, vararg Long, and Localizable:

val ra: RandomAccessible<T> = ...
val t1: T = ra[1, 2, 3]
val t2: T = ra[1L, 2L, 3L]
val t3: T = ra[Point(1, 2, 3)]

Similarly, voxels of RealRandomAccessible (and by extension RealRandomAccessibleRealInterval) instances can be accessed via the [] operator that is overloaded for varargf Float, vararg Double, and RealLocalizable:

val rra: RealRandomAccessible<T> = ...
val t1: T = ra[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
val t2: T = ra[1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f]
val t3:T = ra[RealPoint(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)]

Note: This access pattern is designed for convenience but is not very efficient because it creates a new Sampler object instance for each value. Use in tight loop is discouraged. For efficient access of (large numbers of) individual voxels, this Sampler instance should be reused, use ImgLib2 Cursor, RandomAccess, or foreach constructs such as with LoopBuilder.


It is common practice to restrict unbounded RandomAccessible instances to certain intervals, e.g. when cropping a block out of a function defined on infinite domain. Nta.kt exposes the Views.interval functions as extensions to the RandomAccessible interface (and by extension RandomAccessibleInterval). The [] operator is overloaded for Interval:

val i1 = ra.interval(1L, 2L)
val i2 = ra.interval(3, 4)
val i3 = ra.interval(longArrayOf(1, 2), longArrayOf(3, 4))
val i4 = ra.interval(intArrayOf(5, 6), intArrayOf(7, 8))
val i5 = ra.interval(i1)
val i6 = ra[i3]

Similarly, nta.kt adds extensions to RealRandomAccessible (and by extension RealRandomAccessibleRealInterval):

val ri1: RealRandomAccessibleRealInterval<T> = rra.realInterval(1F, 2F)
val ri2: RealRandomAccessibleRealInterval<T> = rra.realInterval(3.0, 4.0)
val ri3: RealRandomAccessibleRealInterval<T> = rra.realInterval(doubleArrayOf(1.0, 2.0), doubleArrayOf(3.0, 4.0))
val ri4: RealRandomAccessibleRealInterval<T> = rra.realInterval(floatArrayOf(5F, 6F), floatArrayOf(7F, 4F))
val ri5: RealRandomAccessibleRealInterval<T> = rra.realInterval(ri1)
val ri6: RealRandomAccessibleRealInterval<T> = rra[ri3]


  • Kotlin extension functions are just syntactic sugar for static Java methods. Interface methods take precedence, if they exist. As a result, nta.kt code may fail to compile or, even worse, change behavior silently when interface methods are added upstream.
  • Some of the added convenience functions are inefficient, which is not obvious without understanding the ImgLib2 design.
  • It is not always obvious (and not currently documented) which (extension) functions genearate views and which allocate data
  • It is not always obvious (and not currently documented) which (extension) functinos generate read-only views and which generate read-write views


At this time, nta.kt is not deployed to Maven repositories but we plan to make nta.kt available through the SciJava public repository. Until then, nta.kt is available through JitPack. The JitPack landing page has instructions for adding the repository for popular Java build tools.

Note: JitPack builds artifacts on demand. Expect some delay if a specific version is requested for the first time. The build time for nta.kt on a decent laptop is about three minutes.

To track the latest development branch, add the dependency


to your build file. Replace the main-SNAPSHOT version with any of these valid tags:

  • git commit hash, e.g. 741696bcc1 (recommended for reproducible builds)
  • git tags, e.g. example-tag (recommended for reproducible builds)
  • latest commit on a git branch: ${BRANCH_NAME}-SNAPSHOT

For reproducible builds, commit hash or tag are recommended.

Alternatively, nta.kt can be built locally from source with Java 8 or later. To install into your local Maven repository (typically ~/.m2/repository), run from the root of the repository:

./gradlew clean build publishToMavenLocal

To include ntakt as a dependency:

  • Maven (pom.xml):
  • Gradle
  • kotlin-jupyter

The kotlin-jupyter kernel is required to run the notebooks.

Installation has been tested on Manjaro Linux and the notebooks have been tested on Manjaro Linux and Windows 10.

Installation into Fiji/Script Interpreter

Experimental: nta.kt can be used from within the Fiji script interpreter but this is an experimental feature and installation involves multiple steps. First, install nta.kt into your local Maven repository. Then, follow these instructions for Linux command line. They should easily translate to macOS command line and possibly to Windows command line as well. Adjust paths as needed:

  1. Download a fresh Fiji from
  2. Unzip (this will create a directory within your current working directory)
    unzip /path/to/
  3. Clone the SciJava Kotlin scripting plugin, navigate to the repository, and install to unzipped
    git clone
    cd scripting-kotlin
    mvn # replace with path to as needed
  4. Navigate to dir
    cd ../
    and copy the nta.kt jar from your local Maven repository into the jars directory (follow these instructions to install ntakt into your local Maven repository):
    cp ~/.m2/repository/org/ntakt/ntakt/0.1.0-SNAPSHOT/ntakt-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar jars/
  5. Start Fiji
  6. Open the script interpreter and run the following commands to confirm that it all worked: Change language to Kotlin
    :lang kotlin
    Run test script
    import org.ntakt.*
    val img = ntakt.ints(300, 200) { it }

This procedure has been tested on Manjaro Linux with a fresh Fiji download on Monday, Dec 21, 22:50 EST.


To use nta.kt in your code, simply

import org.ntakt.*

to include all extensions and utility objects. The notebooks provide detailed usage examples but are currently still WIP, as is the API documentation.


Nta.kt follows conventional commits to auto-generate a meaningful changelog.


Nta.kt uses GitHub Actions for CI/CD. This allows for a stream-lined release process with the file as single source of truth for the release version. Most of the release process is automated:

  1. Create a release request issue, e.g. saalfeldlab/ntakt#37

  2. The issue triggers a pull request (PR) with two commits, e.g. saalfeldlab/ntakt#38, and is closed right after creation:

    1. Set version in to non-SNAPSHOT (currently, it just removes -SNAPSHOT but it should not be too hard to infer new version from commit history or have an optional parameter for the release request issue)
    2. Bump to next development cycle: Increment patch version and add -SNAPSHOT.
  3. Rebase merge the PR into the main branch to trigger release. Automatic releases will not work with any other merge options than rebase merge (see the following steps for details).

  4. On any push (that includes PR merge) to main branch, a GitHub action checks

    • if the commit message indicates bump to next development cycle, and
    • if the parent commit (HEAD^) has a non-SNAPSHOT version in

    If both conditions are fulfilled, a release is created for HEAD^ with the version in

There are two major issues that I see here:

  1. There is no way to restrict the merge option of a PR to only rebase based on the tag or some other information. It is thus the responsibility of the maintainer to be diligent and pick the right option if the repository allows for other merge options than rebase merge.
  2. How to handle changes to main branch after release request has been created? Probably one of those two options:
    • Close the PR with GitHub actions
    • Re-generate the PR commits from current main on request in a comment in the PR


Kotlin extension functions for imglib2. Preliminary name.

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 63.5%Language:Kotlin 33.5%Language:Java 2.7%Language:Shell 0.3%