s3fs-fuse / s3fs-fuse

FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Mount failes in eu-central-1

ptofevski opened this issue · comments

Additional Information

Version of s3fs being used (s3fs --version)

Amazon Simple Storage Service File System V1.93 (commit:unknown) with OpenSSL
Copyright (C) 2010 Randy Rizun rrizun@gmail.com
License GPL2: GNU GPL version 2 https://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Version of fuse being used (pkg-config --modversion fuse, rpm -qi fuse or dpkg -s fuse)


Kernel information (uname -r)


GNU/Linux Distribution, if applicable (cat /etc/os-release)

PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS"
VERSION="22.04.3 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)"

s3fs syslog messages (grep s3fs /var/log/syslog, journalctl | grep s3fs, or s3fs outputs)

Nov 29 15:05:16 ****** s3fs[8318]: s3fs version 1.93(unknown) : s3fs -o passwd_file=.passwd-s3fs -o allow_other bucket /mount
Nov 29 15:05:16  s3fs[8318]: Loaded mime information from /etc/mime.types
Nov 29 15:05:16 s3fs[8320]: init v1.93(commit:unknown) with OpenSSL, credential-library(built-in)
Nov 29 15:05:17 s3fs[8320]: s3fs.cpp:s3fs_check_service(4473): Failed to connect region 'us-east-1'(default), so retry to connect region 'eu-central-1' for url(http(s)://s3-eu-central-1.amazonaws.com).
Nov 29 15:05:17 s3fs[8320]: s3fs.cpp:s3fs_check_service(4508): Failed to connect by sigv4, so retry to connect by signature version 2. But you should to review url and endpoint option.
Nov 29 15:05:17 s3fs[8320]: s3fs.cpp:s3fs_check_service(4520): Failed to check bucket and directory for mount point : Bad Request(host=https://s3-eu-central-1.amazonaws.com)
Nov 29 15:05:17 systemd[1]: adeva\x2dapp\x2dstorage.mount: Deactivated successfully.

Details about issue

I can not mount an S3 bucket.

Please tell us about the command line or fstab when starting s3fs.
Also, if possible, please specify the curldbg=dbg or curldbg option to collect detailed logs.
I think the logs will be helpful in resolving the issue.