s0md3v / Silver

Mass scan IPs for vulnerable services

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Mass Vulnerability Scanner


masscan is fast, nmap can fingerprint software and vulners is a huge vulnerability database. Silver is a front-end that allows complete utilization of these programs by parsing data, spawning parallel processes, caching vulnerability data for faster scanning over time and much more.



  • Resumable scanning
  • Slack notifcations
  • Multi-core utilization
  • Supports: IPs, CIDR & hostnames
  • Vulnerability data caching
  • Shodan integration


External Programs

Python libraries

  • psutil
  • requests

Required Python libraries can be installed by executing sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt in Silver directory.

Setting up Slack notifications

  • Create a workspace on slack, here
  • Create an app, here
  • Enable WebHooks from the app and copy the URL from there to Silver's /core/memory.py file.


Before you start

⚠️ Run Silver as root and with python3 i.e. with sudo python3 silver.py <your input>. The python libraries need to be installed as root too.

⚠️ Silver scans all TCP ports by default i.e. ports 0-65535. Use --quick switch to only scan top ~1000 ports.

Scan host(s) from command line

python3 silver.py
python3 silver.py
python3 silver.py,,

Use Shodan

Shodan can provide open ports, service information and CVEs from the data collected during its contiunous internet wide scanning. I think this is the best choice for quickly checking top ~1500 ports. Not using it makes sense when:

  • You want to scan all the ports instead of the most common ones
  • You are not okay with the scan results being 2-3 days old
  • The IP you want to scan has been excluded by Shodan by a request of the owner
python3 silver.py --shodan

Scan top ~1000 ports

python3 silver.py --quick

Scan specific ports

python3 silver.py -p80,443

Scan hosts from a file

python3 silver.py -i /path/to/targets.txt

Save JSON output to a file

Default: result-<ip_here>.json

python3 silver.py -o my_target.json

Note: The output is saved regardless of using this option. It only exists to choose a specific name for the file instead of the autogenerated one.

Set max number of parallel nmap instances

Default: number_of_cores

python3 silver.py -i /path/to/targets.txt -t 4

Choose packets to be sent per seconds

Default: 10000

python3 silver.py --rate 1000


You can contribute to this project by providing suggestions, reporting sensible issues and spreading the word. Pull requessts for the following will not be accepted:

  • Typos
  • coDe qUaLiTY
  • Docker and .gitignore file


Mass scan IPs for vulnerable services

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%