s0d3s / PyAudioWPatch

🐍 PyAudio | PortAudio fork with WASAPI loopback support 🔊 Record audio from speakers on Windows

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unable to sponsor project

soapiestwaffles opened this issue · comments

What problem are you facing?

  • audio isn`t recorded
  • audio is recorded with artifacts
  • problem with "silence"
  • other

What is the cause of the error (in your opinion)?

  • PyAudio\PortAudio bug
  • I just need help(or answer)

Before creating, complete the checklist:

If the problem is related to the inability to record sound from speakers,
then before creating this issue, try to first record audio using the provided examples
(for example, simple_recording_app.py)

Start your issue here 👇

Sorry for making an issue for something that isn't really an issue, but .... Thank you so much for this project. I'm trying to find a way to 💰sponsor/send you a contribution for PyAudioWPatch since it's saved me a ton of time and works amazingly. ❤️


I am very glad that you liked my work. And this in itself is sufficient support, more than that I do not need🧐
But if you still want to support me, then I have a patreon