s00500 / ESPUI

A simple web user interface library for ESP32 and ESP8266

Home Page:https://valencia.lbsfilm.at/midterm-presentation/

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Visiblity option utilization

nguzeldere opened this issue · comments

İf visibile/invisible option is available for controls it would be nice to include some description in the documentation and also provide application examples.

Already exists check:

uint16_t tabHome = ESPUI.addControl( ControlType::Tab, "HOME 🏡", F("HOME 🏡") );

timeLabel = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Label, "TIME ⌚", F(""), COLOR_WETASPHALT, tabHome );

ESPUI.getControl(timeLabel)->visible = 0;

// update component

also you can get it to visible to true with = 1;


I hope it helps :)

This will work, but the ESPUI.jsonDom(0) is forcing an entire refresh of the GUI which is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. It shouldn't be hard to update visibility manually. Let me have a look.

Update: Yeah, it's just a case of adding the following into style.css at line 578

if(data.hasOwnProperty('visible')) {
    $("#id" + data.id).show();
    $("#id" + data.id).hide();

I'll work this into a commit and update the documentation.

Added to this pull request.

As per the documentation, once this is merged in, you'll just have to call updateVisibility.

Thank YOu :)

Have a nice day.

Added to this pull request.

As per the documentation, once this is merged in, you'll just have to call updateVisibility.

That would be great, thank you in advance..