ryukau / VSTPlugins

Uhhyou Plugins VST 3 repository.

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Separate manuals to another repository

ryukau opened this issue · comments

Sometimes I found typo, or failed to put proper links. In these cases, I'd like to update manuals without triggering CI that is setup on this repository, as it takes 20+ minutes to finish. I'm using GitHub for free, so I'd like to reduce the unnecessary usage.

However, I'm still not sure if this is a good idea or not. When using submodules, ref also must be updated on the main repository.

I don't know about manuals, but I'd suggest placing the plugin presets in a different repository. Github's "releases" menu isn't always reliable, as presets are sometimes forgotten under old releases.

Hi, @fotisandstuff.

A while ago, I got a email from a user who suggested that it's better to include presets into zip archive. I kind of agree to that idea. The reason I separated presets are just from my inexperience. I thought it would take too much disk space, but it turns out that they are well under 100 KiB.

For now, you can download all the presets from presets/Uhhyou directory.

I opened a new issue (#44) for this topic.

On the original issue, I decided that it's better to move the manuals into another repo. The github pages in this repository will be replaced to a simple link redirects to new URL.

Thank you!

Manuals are separated to the link below.

Instead of migrating to new URL, I found that GitHub Pages can deploy the pages from submodule.

To update the pages, the reference to submodule must be updated. I was hoping that re-running pages-build-deployment action fetches the latest commit of the submodule, but that wasn't the case. git submodule -b is used but it's not working.

It might be better to migrate URL as initially planned.

Wow, this is awesome!!! Thank you for making this.

@fotisandstuff Just in case, presets are now included in the plugin zip files (#44). Last comment is made as a status update to the original issue.

This issue is finished at 994cd6c. I found a better way to manage documentations.

I wanted to:

  • Update docs without triggering entire CI.
  • Update docs after plugins are uploaded to the release page, so that there's no downtime for the download links in the manuals.

I solved it by:

  • Adding docs branch and set it as a source of GitHub Pages.
  • Adding branches-ignore and paths-ignore rules to .github/workflows/build.yml.

The documentation of paths-ignore provides an example that exactly matches my usecase. I should have noticed earlier. :(