ryukau / VSTPlugins

Uhhyou Plugins VST 3 repository.

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Recent Update only builds CubicPadSynth

tank-trax opened this issue · comments

Using Debian Buster 10.3

recent commit 8120ae8 only builds the CubicPadSynth (LV2, VST2 and standalone)

none of the other plugins were built

also this:

Thanks for the report. I fixed build target on LV2Plugins repository.

GUI problem may be solved by patching DPF. Move to LV2Plugins directory and run ./patch.sh or following command.

cp patch/NanoVG.cpp lib/DPF/dgl/src/NanoVG.cpp

applying the patch.sh appears to have corrected the GUI issue


It looks like working. If there's other issues, feel free to reopen this issue or make another issue.

it was in the LV2plugins (apologies) and yes it's all good now
