ryukau / VSTPlugins

Uhhyou Plugins VST 3 repository.

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Support vst3sdk 3.7.8

cbix opened this issue · comments

vst3sdk 3.7.8 apparently includes some breaking changes when building plugins. I couldn't fully wrap my head around them but it seems we're now supposed to include the SDK in the plugin project (not the other way around as done previously) but not sure, it's not documented in the changelog...

How can I build the plugins with vst3sdk 3.7.8?


Hi, @cbix.

If you are in hurry, the fix to vst3sdk 3.7.8 is already available on develop branch (42ecd11). If you can wait for a bit, then I can merge the patch to master. It will take 2-3 days to mostly update and verify manuals.

Edit: Changed VSTSDK to vst3sdk.


Ah, I forgot to mention the main reason for pending. I'll probably merge all license texts to one file.

Also updated build instruction is available below. Ubuntu CI script might also be useful.

Oh perfect, thanks for the quick response, I'll just use the fix from develop :) Closing since it's already fixed there.