ryu10 / M5CardForth

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


arblake opened this issue · comments

Please explain as to how this may be installed on the M5Cardputer.

This repository is configured to work with PlatformIO IDE extension for MS Visual Studio Code.
The outline of the installation steps will be:

  1. Install MS Visual Studio Code ('VSCode') on your computer
  2. In VSCode, install the PlatformIO IDE extension
  3. Clone this repository on to your computer
  4. Open the cloned repository in PlatformIO IDE
  5. Connect the M5Cardputer to your computer
  6. Click the Build/Upload buttons at the bottom of the PlatformIO IDE window.

You can find many resources on the web on how to install/use PlatformIO IDE. Please check them also.

If you come across any issues during the process, please let me know 1) the system (OS) that you use 2) how to reproduce the issue and 3) any system messages (errors, etc.) Thanks.

Hi, It took a while to install the get started but success followed, so thanks. Where is the basic forth code? It would be good to allow to boot with m5key-on at boot time.
I see that you are working to use the SD card.

Glad to hear that you successfully installed the software.

If you would like to look inside the code, I recommend to start with the vanilla Esp32forth.

Since we are going off-topic, I will close this issue.