rymo4 / blinky-dome

See it live at 7 & Esplanade @ The Hive

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


StarCats LED dome control software.


  • LX: LED lighting engine (javadocs)
  • P3LX: Processing-based UI for LX
  • minim@v2.2.2: Audio processing lib for Processing
  • Processing
    • Note: We do NOT use the Processing IDE or even a Processing sketch layout. This project is pure Java, only using Processing for utilities, UI rendering, and since P3LX is built on it. Congrats, we've graduated to grown-up software. (ish.)

Checkout Instructions (Git Submodules)

We depend on LX and P3LX, which do not follow any release/publishing process. This project is configured to build them from source, which means their source needs to be checked out. These dependencies are linked as git submodules, which just means there's a few extra steps after cloning this repo:

  1. Clone as normal: git clone https://github.com/star-cats/blinky-dome.git
  2. cd blinky-dome
  3. Init submodules: git submodule init
  4. Check out submodule source: git submodule update

LX and P3LX source will now be available in lib/lx/git_submodule and lib/p3lx/git_submodule. Our build scripts are configured to build them from there, and their source files should be browsable from your IDE with no external project setup.

DEPENDENCY VERSION WARNING: Since LX and P3LX don't follow any semver release/publishing process, we just rely on specific checkouts specified in the .gitmodules file and build from source. If your git status says your submodules are out of date and you can't get back in sync, just rm -r lib/**/git_submodule then git submodule update to re-clone the appropriate revision.

Run / Deploy Instructions

First, make sure you've checked out the submodules as described above.

To Run

./gradlew run

You should see the Processing window running the P3LX GUI show up.

To Deploy Locally

Gradle build scripts make a 'fatjar', meaning all dependencies are contained within a single jar. Neat.

./gradlew shadowJar

Now you have an executable fatjar (shadowJar). Which means, you can simply do:

java -jar build/libs/blinky-dome-all.jar

Headless/Embedded (raspi, odroid)

We also have a headless mode that doesn't run P3LX, suited for small single-board computers like a Raspi or ODroid. Not running P3LX saves some CPU work (eg no OpenGL rendering) so your limited CPU can just crunch your animations.

To Run (/Debug) Headless

./gradlew headlessRun

You won't see a window, but you should see a new processing app start up in your OS's task manager.

You can also add an IntelliJ run configuration against this gradle task to allow you to debug your headless runs.

To Deploy Headless

Build a fatjar (shadowjar):

./gradlew headlessShadowJar

Now you have an executable fatjar (shadowJar). Which means, you can simply do:

java -jar build/libs/blinky-dome-headless-all.jar

Copy it onto your embdedded device of choice.

See this wiki page for how to provision a raspi or ODroid with all the utilities and stuff to make it run.

Note: Not True Headless! Although LX doesn't have a dependency on Processing, blinky-dome does since we rely on a lot of Processing utils. This means it's not true headless (just a 1x1 px window), but this also means you'll have to jump through a few hoops to get Processing running on a headless device like a Raspi or ODroid. See the wiki for details.

Setup for New Developers

Want to contribute? Checkout the code and fire up your IDE (we use IntelliJ, anything that integrates Gradle builds should work.

IntelliJ Setup

Project is built with Gradle, so IntelliJ should automagically configure and Just Work(TM).

Note: use latest version of IntelliJ. 2016.1 was a bit glitchy with this newer version of Gradle, try at least 2017.1

  • Checkout repo with Git submodule initialization as described above
  • File > New > Project From Existing Sources
  • Select blinky-dome directory
  • Hit "Import project from existing model" > "Gradle"
  • Defaults should be fine
  • Hit "Finish".
  • Let Gradle init scripts load everything, index, do initial linking build, etc.
  • Create run configuration from Gradle scripts:
    • View > Tool Windows > Gradle
    • Open up blinky-dome > Tasks > application
    • Right click on "run"
    • Hit "Run 'blinky-dome [run]'"
    • P3LX window should appear
    • You now have an IntelliJ run configuration. You can hit the green Run triangle or green Debug bug to start it up.
  • Optional: Create run configuration for headless mode
    • The headless run config is useful for attaching debugger to headless (non-P3LX) runs (see "Headless/Embedded" section above)
    • Same steps as above, but in the Gradle tool window, buried in blinky-dome > Tasks > other > headlessRun
    • Since it's a headless run, you won't see any window appear, but you should see application output in run console.


See it live at 7 & Esplanade @ The Hive


Language:Java 90.7%Language:HTML 7.1%Language:Shell 1.8%Language:Processing 0.2%Language:GLSL 0.2%