rybak / jira-gource

Converter for Jira issue history to be used by Gource

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Basic Authentication deprecated in JIRA Cloud

Eddie-Hartman opened this issue · comments

Basic authentication has been deprecated. Therefore, I could not authenticate to download issues.

See here: https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-basic-auth-and-cookie-based-auth/

Is there an easy way to work around this?

I was able to resolve this with the API token drop-in replacement for email:password authentication. If I get time I'll make a PR to update the documentation on how to do this.

Thank you for letting me know about this. It seems that this only affects JIRA Cloud. Unfortunately, I don't have access to a JIRA Cloud instance to test API tokens. A pull request would be greatly appreciated.

OAuth is the only other option for JIRA Server per 8.1.0 documentation, and Basic authentication is still not deprecated on JIRA Server. There's even a Python 2 example.