ryanwinchester / s3fsftp

Docker container for SFTP and mounting S3 buckets.

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Docker container providing SFTP using an S3 bucket for the users' home directories.

Using Docker Hub

docker pull ryanwinchester/s3fsftp:latest

Using the repository

  • For local dev, set the required environment variables in the .env file.
  • For production, set the ENV variables for the container runtime.
  • Programs in ./scripts/sftp.d will automatically run when the container starts.
  • Build docker container with docker compose build (or ./scripts/docker/build.sh).
  • Run docker container with docker compose up (or ./scripts/docker/run.sh).

ENV vars

  • AWS_S3_AUTHFILE - The name of the auth file used by s3fs (defaults to /etc/passwd-s3fs).
  • AWS_S3_BUCKET* - The name of the bucket in S3 to mount.
  • AWS_S3_CREDENTIALS* - AWS S3 credentials (key and ID).
  • AWS_S3_MOUNT - The path to mount the bucket (defaults to /opt/s3fs/bucket)
  • AWS_S3_REGION* - The region of the S3 bucket (e.g. ca-central-1).
  • AWS_S3_URL* - The S3 url (e.g. https://s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com).
  • SSH_HOST_DSA_KEY (base64-encoded)
  • SSH_HOST_DSA_PUBLIC_KEY (base64-encoded)
  • SSH_HOST_ECDSA_KEY (base64-encoded)
  • SSH_HOST_ECDSA_PUBLIC_KEY (base64-encoded)
  • SSH_HOST_ED25519_KEY (base64-encoded)
  • SSH_HOST_ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY (base64-encoded)
  • SSH_HOST_RSA_KEY (base64-encoded)
  • SSH_HOST_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY (base64-encoded)
  • USER_CONFIG* (base64-encoded)


Secret format



USER_CONFIG (base64-encoded):

  "users": [
      "username": "foo",
      "uid": 1004,
      "gid": 1000,
      "folders": [
        {"path": "outgoing", "umask": "0770"}
      "publicKeys": [
        "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAH+PqrlQ83wwpayFqTITgqZWL+UE8= foobar@example.com"



Docker container for SFTP and mounting S3 buckets.


Language:Shell 97.4%Language:Dockerfile 2.6%