ryanwalters / amplify-auth-next-storage

Isomorphic cookie storage for Next.js apps using @aws-amplify/auth

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NextStorage causes Cognito to fail parse the user data

iwatakeshi opened this issue · comments

Hi, for context, I am calling Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser() for each page to determine whether the user is signed in. However, the following error occurs:

[DEBUG] 28:27.908 AuthClass - getting user data failed SyntaxError: Unexpected token % in JSON at position 1
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at CognitoUser.getUserData (CognitoUser.js:1125)
    at Auth.js:1031
    at CognitoUser.getSession (CognitoUser.js:1226)
    at Auth.js:1020

At first I thought it was CognitoUser.js causing the issue but with further investigation, CognitoUser will get the userData from the storage and then simply use JSON.parse() to parse the userData.

The input, userData, looks something like this before CognitoUser parses it:


Hopefully this helps.

Thank you

Would you be able to set up a minimal reproducible case using something like codesandbox? Or paste the result of Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser()?

Posting your configuration here might help as well.

I'm not sure where the { "UserAttributes": "...", "Username": "..." } portion of the response is within the CognitorUser object. I don't see either of those keys in the response from Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser() on my end.

I do see these properties in the response, but with no parsing issues:

  username: 'ryan', // Lowercase instead of pascal case
  attributes: {
    sub: '123',
    email_verified: true,
    email: 'me@email.com'

@ryanwalters I'll try to reproduce something for you when I get some time 😅. I can however show you the entire user object (with omissions):

    "username": "[omitted]",
    "pool": {
        "userPoolId": "[omitted]",
        "clientId": "[omitted]",
        "client": {
            "endpoint": "[omitted]",
            "userAgent": "aws-amplify/0.1.x js"
        "advancedSecurityDataCollectionFlag": true,
        "storage": {
            "CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.[omitted].LastAuthUser": "[omitted]",
            "CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.[omitted].[omitted].clockDrift": "0",
            "CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.[omitted].[omitted].refreshToken": "[omitted]",
            "amplify-signin-with-hostedUI": "false",
            "CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.[omitted].[omitted].accessToken": "[omitted]",
            "CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.[omitted].[omitted].userData": "{\"UserAttributes\":[{\"Name\":\"sub\",\"Value\":\"[omitted]\"},{\"Name\":\"custom:last_name\",\"Value\":\"[omitted]\"},{\"Name\":\"email_verified\",\"Value\":\"true\"},{\"Name\":\"custom:first_name\",\"Value\":\"[omitted]\"},{\"Name\":\"email\",\"Value\":\"[omitted]\"}],\"Username\":\"[omitted]\"}",
            "CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.[omitted].[omitted].idToken": "[omitted]",
            "aws.cognito.identity-id.[omitted]:[omitted]": "[omitted]]",
            "aws.cognito.identity-providers.[omitted]:[omitted]": "[omitted]"
    "Session": null,
    "client": {
        "endpoint": "[omitted]",
        "userAgent": "aws-amplify/0.1.x js"
    "signInUserSession": {
        "idToken": {
            "jwtToken": "[omitted]",
            "payload": {
                "sub": "[omitted]",
                "email_verified": true,
                "iss": "[omitted]",
                "cognito:username": "[omitted]",
                "aud": "[omitted]",
                "custom:last_name": "[omitted]",
                "event_id": "[omitted]",
                "custom:first_name": "[omitted]",
                "token_use": "id",
                "auth_time": 1581358544,
                "exp": 1581564534,
                "iat": 1581560934,
                "email": "[omitted]"
        "refreshToken": {
            "token": "[omitted]"
        "accessToken": {
            "jwtToken": "[omitted]",
            "payload": {
                "sub": "[omitted]",
                "event_id": "[omitted]",
                "token_use": "access",
                "scope": "aws.cognito.signin.user.admin",
                "auth_time": 1581358544,
                "iss": "[omitted]",
                "exp": 1581564534,
                "iat": 1581560934,
                "jti": "[omitted]",
                "client_id": "[omitted]",
                "username": "[omitted]"
        "clockDrift": 0
    "authenticationFlowType": "USER_SRP_AUTH",
    "storage": {
        "CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.[omitted].LastAuthUser": "[omitted]",
        "CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.[omitted].[omitted].clockDrift": "0",
        "CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.[omitted].[omitted].refreshToken": "[omitted]",
        "amplify-signin-with-hostedUI": "false",
        "CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.[omitted].[omitted].accessToken": "[omitted]",
        "CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.[omitted].[omitted].userData": "{\"UserAttributes\":[{\"Name\":\"sub\",\"Value\":\"[omitted]\"},{\"Name\":\"custom:last_name\",\"Value\":\"[omitted]\"},{\"Name\":\"email_verified\",\"Value\":\"true\"},{\"Name\":\"custom:first_name\",\"Value\":\"[omitted]\"},{\"Name\":\"email\",\"Value\":\"[omitted]\"}],\"Username\":\"[omitted]\"}",
        "CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.[omitted].[omitted].idToken": "[omitted]",
        "aws.cognito.identity-id.[omitted]:[omitted]": "[omitted]",
        "aws.cognito.identity-providers.[omitted]:[omitted]": "cognito-idp.[omitted].amazonaws.com/[omitted]"
    "keyPrefix": "CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.[omitted]",
    "userDataKey": "CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.[omitted].[omitted].userData",
    "attributes": {
        "sub": "[omitted]",
        "custom:last_name": "[omitted]",
        "email_verified": true,
        "custom:first_name": "[omitted]",
        "email": "[omitted]"
    "preferredMFA": "NOMFA"

Also, this output is when I don't use the storage.

Great, looking forward to a repro!

In the meantime, what version of @aws-amplify/auth are you using? Can you post your Auth.configure setup?

It seems like something is trying to parse the CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.[poolId].[username].userData cookie and failing.

What does your CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.[poolId].[username].userData cookie value look like?

For reference, mine looks something like:


Sure. The version is 2.2.4 and the Auth.configure is:

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
import { Auth } from 'aws-amplify'
import NextStorage from 'amplify-auth-next-storage'
import awsconfig from '../aws-exports'

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
export function configureAuth(context?: any) {
    // storage: new NextStorage(context, {
    //   domain: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '[omitted]' : 'localhost',
    //   expires: 365,
    //   path: '/',
    //   secure: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
    // })

For the cookie, I'll get back to you on that.


Sorry, I needed to create a test user. Here's the cookie:


Can you try again with amplify-auth-next-storage@1.1.1? I wasn't able to reproduce your issue, but I spotted a possible culprit.

@ryanwalters Nice! Seems to be fixed! It's enabled and works on refresh. Thanks!

Awesome! I'll go ahead and close this out. Feel free to reopen if there are still issues.