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U+276F prompt character (❯) got smaller between 3.1.1 and 3.2.1

gibfahn opened this issue Β· comments

πŸ—Ή Requirements

  • I have searched the issues for my issue and found nothing related and/or helpful
  • I have searched the FAQ for help
  • I have searched the Wiki for help

🎯 Subject of the issue

Experienced behavior:

Prompt character is now small.

Expected behavior:

Prompt character is large and easy to spot in the terminal.

Example symbols:

  • U+276F (❯)

πŸ”§ Your Setup

β˜… Screenshots

Screenshots taken at the same zoom in kitty.app on old and new font versions:

3.1.1 3.2.1
3.1.1 3.2.1

Sorry to hear of your size problem.

I can see it directly in the font πŸ€”



Because from these heavy brackets people DO expect excessively big icons πŸ€”


In this example the icon is (far) less tall than the small letter T, which is strange


I will example in detail.


The cell heights difference is quite huge here?



Not the case 'globally':



68% vs 76% ?

Hmm, thanks for reporting. This needs some consideration and a systematic check. I see the effect by the reason is not quite clear; and maybe that should have been marked with the ^ (fit to full height) modifier.


Ahh, one should read ...



Ah, the heavy brackets are now two times shrunken, there was an old rule that already sized them down relative to the full cell:


The rule needs to be changed to ^pa1! ....


@allcontributors please add @gibfahn for bug


I've put up a pull request to add @gibfahn! πŸŽ‰


Apologies if this is unrelated or intended, but I noticed an increase in the size of some symbols in ttf-firacode-nerd, going from 3.2.0 -> 3.2.1 in my i3 status bar.

3.2.0 3.2.1
2024-04-18_19-08 2024-04-18_19-09

U+F120 (nf-fa-terminal) and U+F11B (nf-fa-gamepad)


Where is the PR @Finii !!!?

Thanks for the detailed explanation and the solution! I don't know if it's helpful, but I filed your proposed solution as a PR. I think that's right, don't have much experience in this area. #1617

It's your change, so if you want to file your own PR for it fine by me, just trying to reduce some cycles for you 😁 .


Most probably you already read it, but if not... the cryptic rules have some explanation

# Stretch 'xz' or 'pa' (preserve aspect ratio)
# Supported params: overlap | careful | xy-ratio | dont_copy | ypadding    
# Overlap value is used horizontally but vertically limited to 0.01
# Careful does not overwrite/modify existing glyphs
# The xy-ratio limits the x-scale for a given y-scale to make the ratio <= this value (to prevent over-wide glyphs)
# '1' means occupu 1 cell (default for 'xy')
# '2' means occupy 2 cells (default for 'pa')
# '!' means do the 'pa' scaling even with non mono fonts (else it just scales down, never up)
# '^' means that scaling shall fill the whole cell and not only the icon-cap-height (for mono fonts, other always use the whole cell)
# Dont_copy does not overwrite existing glyphs but rescales the preexisting ones
# Be careful, stretch may not change within a ScaleRule!
'align': 'c', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^pa1!', 'params': {'ypadding': 0.3, 'careful': True}
  • Align horizontally and vertically in the center
  • Scale it with preserved aspect ratio (x and y scale is equal) into 1 cell (default would be 'up to 2' for pa)
  • Take the whole line-hight (^) and subtract 30% from the height (ypadding)
  • Do the scaling also for proportional fonts
  • Do not change preexisting glyphs