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Natively bold letter symbols become extremely high in monospace editors

mooreye opened this issue Β· comments

πŸ—Ή Requirements

  • I have searched the issues for my issue and found nothing related and/or helpful
  • I have searched the FAQ for help
  • I have searched the Wiki for help

🎯 Subject of the issue

Experienced behavior:

Natively bold unicode letters like π…πŽπŽππ€π‘ are extremely high in a monospace editor like gedit.

Expected behavior:

π…πŽπŽππ€π‘ displays with normal height.

Example symbols:

generated with: https://lingojam.com/BoldTextGenerator

πŸ”§ Your Setup

  • Which font are you using (e.g. Anonymice Powerline Nerd Font Complete.ttf)?
    Tested with:
    • InconsolataNerdFont-Regular.ttf
    • SauceCodeProNerdFontMono-Regular.ttf
  • Where did you get the file from (download link, self patched, source downloaded from link...)
    • git clone --filter=blob:none --sparse https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts.git
    • git sparse-checkout add patched-fonts/{Inconsolata,SourceCodePro}
    • copied to ~/.local/share/fonts/
  • Which terminal emulator are you using (e.g. iterm2, urxvt, gnome, konsole)?
    • gnome
  • Are you using OS X, Linux or Windows? And which specific version or distribution?
    • Linux, Fedora 39

β˜… Screenshots (Optional)

This is how hugely high line 4 becomes in gedit:

It seems to happen with every nerd font from https://www.nerdfonts.com/font-downloads
While with any regular system-installed font there is no such issue.

It seems to happen with every nerd font

In my environment this happens with any font and in any application.


Oh, sorry to hear you have problems!

Hmm, just did one test, on my machine with Tilix and CaskadiaCove it does not happen


Ah gnome terminal you say ...


In my environment this happens with any font and in any application.

In my environment does not happen with any (of the two tested) applications

This must be something to do with your setup and what the fallback font is.

In my environment does not happen with any (of the two tested) applications

Are you serious? These aren't even alphabetic characters...






Are you serious? It's not even a font...

That it is working on my machine? Yes?!

Lets see, the codepoints are this:


The bold F is U+1D405.

$ fc-list :charset=1D405 family
DejaVu Math TeX Gyre
Latin Modern Math
TeX Gyre Pagella Math
TeX Gyre Termes Math
TeX Gyre Schola Math
DejaVu Serif,DejaVu Serif Condensed
TeX Gyre Bonum Math
TeX Gyre DejaVu Math
DejaVu Serif

I have no clue which one is used, but the one randomly chosen seems good on my machine :-D

Anyhow that "bold codepoints" are not part of Nerd Fonts patching and not (at lost not many) of the to-be-patched fonts.
That only works if some fontfallback like technique is active on your machine.

It's not even a font...

I edit it already

$ fc-list :charset=1D405 family
DejaVu Math TeX Gyre
DejaVu Serif,DejaVu Serif Condensed
Noto Sans Math
DejaVu Serif


Terminal enforces line height so it's not a good place to test. Please check a GUI plaintext editor like gedit





@mooreye Please check with some more common GUI thing like Writer. Did you check the output of above fc-list?
This is some font configuration thing; it has nothing to do with the patched fonts per se.

Edit: Typo


gedit via flatpak



Interestingly gedit uses a different fallback font than writer (on my system).

In writer it is smaller (less tall) and has serifs; with gedit it is slightly bigger and is a sans serif style.

Well, I have no preferences rules, as I never ever use these things.


Suggestion for @mooreye

  • Find out which concrete fonts you have that supply these codepoints
  • Select the one you like best
  • Put that font into a preference rule in your fontconfig

If you never changed your fontconfig, this can be used as inspiration, but I am sure there are tons of example on SO or somewhere.