ryanlintott / FrameUp

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Justified Attributed String

waelsaad opened this issue · comments


Hi Ryan :)

Thank you for all of your respones. This is my last challange that I am currently working on. I am a bit confused about how to solve.

The getText function returns an AttributedString. In the sentense I am passing it has some couple of words that are in a different language so its using its own font with a different color. In a normal SwiftUI Text view my AttributedString appears correctly.

I understand why the attributes get lost as I am converting the attributed string back to a string to extract the words but how can I maintain the attributes for every word? Thanks.

I think its probablly this line it needs to return an AttributedString !

let words = Array(text.string.split(separator: " ").map(String.init).enumerated())

extension AttributedString {
    var string: String {
    func justifiedItem(_ item: TextItem, _ language: LanguageType) -> some View {
        if let text = viewModel.getText(item, language) {
            let words = Array(text.string.split(separator: " ").map(String.init).enumerated())
                HFlowLayout(alignment: .justified) {
                    ForEach(words, id: \.offset) { word in
                            .font(Font(viewModel.font(item, language)))

Nevermind. It was some NSAttributedString manipulation. Thank you :)